‘American Freedom’ FREE
this weekend only

By WND Staff

God, guns, a good education, privacy, and a free press – for many, this is a short list of ingredients for preserving America’s unique freedoms.

Through today, readers who subscribe, renew or give a gift subscription to WorldNetDaily’s popular monthly Whistleblower magazine will also receive, FREE, five special issues of Whistleblower dealing with those five special “freedom ingredients.”

The WND ” American Freedom package” (normally selling for $25.00) includes:

  • “GUNS IN AMERICA: Latest research proves more guns mean less crime.” Irrefutable proof that gun-controllers are dead wrong in their attacks on the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
  • “THE FLIGHT FROM PUBLIC SCHOOLS,” a devastating look at the current state America’s government school system — and the spectacular growth in homeschooling.
  • “ONE NATION UNDER GOD: An inspiring and in-depth exploration of the reemergence onto the American scene of God.” How post-9-11 America is being forced — on pain of never-ending terror attacks — to confront what it really stands for and what it’s willing to sacrifice for victory.
  • “BRAVE NEW WORLD: Welcome to the era of implanted chips, universal surveillance, man-and-machine hybrids and the end to your privacy.” An eye-opening tour of the technological future awaiting all of us.
  • “THE NEWS MAFIA: A groundbreaking look at media bias and the future of the free press.” One of our most popular issues – you’ll laugh, you’ll cheer, you’ll just be really, really glad you read it.

    “This is one of our best and most generous offers ever,” said WND Editor and CEO Joseph Farah. “I urge all of our loyal readers to take advantage of it. These five issues contain incredibly important material — some of it unavailable anywhere else.”

    Each monthly issue of Whistleblower is a groundbreaking exploration of one news topic of urgent importance, a topic vital to our continued freedom, but generally ignored by most of the media.

    The current issue, “THE NEW WORLD RE-ORDER,” is devoted entirely to answering the question: Will America remain a free, constitutional republic or yield its freedom to the rule of international law administered by the United Nations?

    This special offer of the FREE “American Freedom package” is also available to those who renew their Whistleblower subscriptions or who give a gift subscription through today.