On March 6, Congressman Ron Paul introduced the “American Sovereignty Restoration Act of 2003” – legislation that would completely sever ties to the United Nations. The proposed legislation would end our financial ties to the body, as well as so-called, “peace-keeping,” missions, and the disgraceful U.N. building in New York City.
Critics and supporters alike greeted the idea with little hope of success but consider it a step in the direction of greater American sovereignty. The legislation currently has 10 cosponsors, including Reps. Tom Tancredo and Roscoe Bartlett.
Additionally, the “Get the U.S. Out” movement moved further into the mainstream on Thursday as House Majority Leader Tom DeLay told talk radio host Sean Hannity that the U.N. is “weakening themselves and, in my opinion, have completely made themselves irrelevant.” When asked if we should pull out of the U.N., the congressman replied, “Well, I’d like to. I’ve never been a big fan of the United Nations.”
Neither have I and neither have a lot of other Americans. It’s hard not to have a deep hatred for the U.N. It has turned its back on America when we needed its support. It is filled with dictators and terrorists – the very people President Bush has pledged to rid from the world. Lastly, anti-Israel sentiment is huge in the United Nations and hatred toward one of our closet allies seems to be growing each day.
Recently, Gen. Tommy Franks called the U.N. oil-for-food program a “oil-for-palace program.” According to the numerous reports, a program which was intended to fund food, medicine, and water to the Iraqi people was actually going towards its banned weapons program. Moreover, the money was not only used in Iraq for many other things benefiting Saddam Hussein, but also benefiting Iraq’s political protectors in the U.N., to the tune of billions of dollars in the last seven years. And there’s more: The U.N. raked in a sweet 2.2 percent off of every ounce of oil Iraq sold, money the U.N. won’t allow outsiders to audit – for Kofi Annan’s eyes only.
In February, President Bush said that if the United Nations did not enforce its own resolutions on disarming Iraq it would “fade into history as an ineffective, irrelevant debating society.” Irrelevant as it might be to justice and truth, the U.N. is a danger to freedom. Its strong opposition to the basic human right to keep and bear arms is one example.
According to an article by Home School Legal Defense Association on the 28th, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child rebuked Britain for failing to live up to its ideal child rights standard. One of the most disturbing actions of the CRC is an attempt to abolish all forms of corporal punishment within British homes. Additionally, the CRC asked Britain to “evaluate the impact of privatization of schools on the right of children to education.” Also, the CRC demanded Britain provide the “necessary” sex education and adequate information to homosexual and transsexual young people, as well as making contraceptives available to all young people.
The United Nations is utterly and thoroughly useless for the ideals of freedom and morality. It nominated North Korea and appointed Libya to head the Human Rights Commission along with Cuba, it had the Hussein regime on the Disarmament Commission, and it seems as if this international body is purposefully attempting to look harmless and insane just so Americans will ignore it. Yet, thankfully, the U.N.’s time is passing and anti-U.N. sentiment is high in the United States following the war in Iraq.
On Tuesday, American delegates walked out of a U.N. meeting in protest to electing Cuba to the Human Rights Commission. With the help of people like Congressman Ron Paul, let’s hope the United States walks out of the United Nations completely and permanently.
WATCH: Mark Levin: What comes next in the Middle East conflict after Israel-Hamas cease-fire deal?
WND Staff