Ariel Sharon called off the so-called “Road Map To Peace” this week, following a wave of terror strikes in Israel including Jerusalem. Jerusalem had not been the target of a terror attack in six months. As soon as Israel began to comply with the road map by beginning to withdraw its troops, it became a target.
Were it anywhere else on earth but Israel, nobody would blame them for refusing to expose their national jugular to additional attacks. But this is Israel.
Sharon read a statement saying peace won’t come until the terror attacks stop. That seems obvious enough. Except, as I already noted, this is Israel.
The Quartet immediately began pressuring the Israelis to come back to the table, pretending the Arabs hadn’t already blown it up.
The road map was doomed from the start. Its first provision was that Arafat be removed from the loop and a new Palestinian government formed. Over the weekend, Arafat was asked directly in a news interview if he were still in charge of the Palestinian government. He replied without hesitation, “Absolutely.”
Like all the other international efforts to force peace, the road map assumes the stumbling block to peace in the region is Israel. The majority of the concessions demanded are always demanded of Israel.
The Palestinian side need only agree, and then ignore whatever is demanded of them until Israel says enough. Then Arafat calls the Israeli government a “false partner” and the world agrees.
The prophet Zechariah wrote that in the last days, the city of Jerusalem would become a burdensome stone and a cup that causes drunkenness.
Jerusalem will intoxicate with religious passion all the surrounding nations. And in case you haven’t noticed, the nations surrounding Israel are all Muslim.
Zechariah predicts that this conflict will escalate until it drags the entire world into it. Zechariah also warns that all who try to resolve the Jerusalem issue will be cut in pieces.
Truly, it will become “a burdensome stone” to the whole world. Despite the world’s best efforts, true peace will not come to the region until the return of the Prince of Peace.
The Bible indicates there will be plenty of efforts to force a peace treaty upon Israel with her enemies in the last days.
Finally, the Bible predicts there will come one last, serious effort to force a peace settlement between the two sides.
Daniel foresaw “a great prince” rise out of the soon coming revived Roman Empire in Europe. He will broker a peace deal that the world believes will last a thousand years. But it will explode into a global war in three-and-a-half years.
All events in the Middle East are fitting into this predicted scenario as I speak. Somewhere in the wings, this “great peacemaker” is awaiting his allotted moment to be launched upon the world scene. The great tragedy is that the world is oblivious to this man’s true nature. The world will greet him with open arms as the great deliverer. But he will be the antichrist and they won’t know it.