Michael Moore website in Oscar hack attack

By WND Staff

The website belonging to filmmaker Michael Moore is back online after being hacked this weekend, apparently by someone hoping the director’s Academy Award gets taken away.

Surfers trying to view Moore’s site Sunday night were unable to get to the correct page, and were instead shown a brief message which read as follows:

Mr. Moore, your documentary “Bowling for Columbine” is fictitious, not factual. David Hardy’s Truth About Bowling is simply damning. You deliberately deceive your viewers, who are only expecting a slightly biased factual report. Mr. Moore, my personal hope is that you publicly apologize, not for your ideas, but for dubbing your lies the truth.

Please see revoketheoscar.com

Love always,

NHA Crew.

The reference to David Hardy is the Arizona attorney pushing for the revocation of the trophy, and the hacker’s message included some Internet links to articles documenting Moore’s alleged fraud.

It’s not known precisely how long the hack hampered normal viewing of Moore’s site, but WorldNetDaily attempted to access it over several hours Sunday evening only to see the message left by the hacker. It was back in service by 2 a.m. Eastern Time this morning.

Michael Moore (courtesy United Artists)

AS WND reported in April, an online campaign got into gear looking to disqualify the Oscar given to Moore for Best Documentary for “Bowling for Columbine.”

RevokeTheOscar.com is among the websites created specifically for that purpose, claiming the Academy violated its own rules, since the site believes the anti-gun film is a work of fiction instead of non-fiction.

Moore became a lightning rod for controversy by proclaiming his anti-war views during his acceptance speech for the award: “We live in a time with fictitious election results that elect fictitious presidents. We live in a time when we have a man sending us to war for fictitious reasons.”

Moore went on to exclaim, “We are against this war, Mr. Bush. Shame on you! Shame on you!”

His comments were greeted by a chorus of loud boos from the audience of 3,500.

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