Real Mideast peace road map — FREE TODAY

By WND Staff

With President Bush’s Mideast “road map” in danger of being blown up by ongoing terror attacks, WorldNetDaily is giving away FREE – between now and 5 p.m. (Eastern) Friday – two explosive Whistleblower special reports that together reveal the shocking reality behind the current “peace negotiations.”

The two Whistleblower issues, which some have called the best journalistic look at the Palestinian-Israeli conflict yet produced, will be sent FREE to all new Whistleblower subscribers, as well as those who renew or give a gift Whistleblower subscription.

The two free issues are:

Each monthly issue of Whistleblower focuses on a single topic of vital importance – topics typically ignored or downplayed or spun by the establishment press – such as income taxes, the Federal Reserve System, radical environmentalism, Islamic terrorism, the corruption of government schools, and guns in America.

The current edition, titled “THE NEW WORLD RE-ORDER,” shows how decisions now being made in the U.N. and in the U.S. Congress will determine whether America remains a sovereign nation under the Constitution or gives in to global governance under the authority of the United Nations.

In the first FREE issue, “SHATTERING THE MYTHS OF THE MIDDLE EAST,” the entire Arab-Israeli conflict is laid out with clarity and uncommon insight, dramatically exposing the many “myths” that dominate government and media thinking about the region.

The second issue, “MIDEAST REVOLUTION” – directly refuting the “road map” concept – analyzes virtually every plan that has been advanced to solve the “Arab-Israeli problem,” and points to the most inspired – albeit controversial – solutions and forcefully makes their case. Among the contents:

  • “Why ‘Palestine’ would mean the end of Israel,” by Joseph Farah, exposing Yasser Arafat’s “Trojan Horse” approach to ending Jewish “occupation”;
  • “The Elon Peace Plan,” by Israeli Knesset member and head of the Molodet Party Benny Elon, unveiling his controversial initiative to transfer Palestinians to Jordan, which many consider to be the true “Palestinian state”;
  • “Mohammed al-Dura martyrdom a media myth?” by David Kupelian, a groundbreaking expose documenting new journalistic investigations that conclude the widely reported shooting of the 12-year-old Palestinian boy was “staged”; and
  • “A radical plan for peace, freedom in the Middle East,” by Joseph Farah, on how the most troubled region on earth can arrive at a bright future.

Farah, a journalist widely acknowledged for his expertise on the Middle East, provides stunning analysis of the region’s future after the Iraq war:

“Like the fall of the Berlin Wall, which took everyone by surprise, the transformation of the Mideast could, in true domino fashion, come about more rapidly than the world might have thought possible before now,” says Farah. “This issue of Whistleblower will put readers way ahead of the curve in understanding and preparing for the future – not only of the Middle East, but of the U.S. as well.”