Mailbox Vox on Catholics, cannibals, porn and Porsches

By Vox Day

I find it most odd that you think a Christian has an obligation to take any side on a matter of war. You’re simply saying that a Christian should make an individual choice and that it best be on the side of the nation that one happens to live in. Then the German Christians – who went along with Hitler – were doing the Christian thing by doing so?

– Michael

That’s a very reasonable summation of my position, Michael, assuming you’ve first been hitting the crack pipe. I did not say a Christian has an obligation to take sides in war, in fact, I said precisely the opposite.

Contrary to common understanding, Jesus Christ was neutral on war. He said war was inevitable in a fallen world and He told His followers not to be troubled by it. He did not tell them to devote themselves to working against it. Regarding the present situation, violent expansionist Islam has already declared war on both America and Christians around the world. War, unlike the tango, does not take two.

Someday, the sky will fall, hopefully long after each of us is gone, and then our progeny can dust off your predictions and say, “Yep, that Vox, he was right all along … but I’m sure glad we didn’t miss all those millennia of living, waiting for him to be right.” I envy your talent, but not your outlook. Choosing to live positively is not stupidity – it is just one of the choices … free will, if you will.

– Steve

Look, I’m not saying that we’re about to descend into cannibalism or anything. Japan has seen its markets drop by more than 75 percent and it survives – there’s just far fewer Ferraris parked in front of the night clubs than there were in the days when I was prowling Roppongi. But no society has ever become wealthier by destroying its currency, decimating its savings and encouraging its people to go heavily into debt.

But if things do fall apart completely, we appear to be fortuitously well prepared for a descent into cannibalism judging by the plethora of plump posteriors wandering the malls. See, I am an optimist!

As a fellow Mensan, I read your WorldNetDaily column with some interest, and tend to agree with your political opinions. When it comes to economics and equities, however, I find your knowledge to be sorely lacking. With all due respect, you have nothing on the pundits whom you seem to berate. And your analysis of the current situation regarding equities will, I think, prove to be simply wrong.

– Stan

I imagine we’ll find out soon enough. I do, however, note that as of last week’s close, the markets have not made it back to the Jun. 6 highs. While I freely admit that I have been wrong about the markets in the past, and will likely be wrong about them on occasion in the future, I do take exception to being compared with the CNBC cheerleaders.

Just today, I heard one gentleman, who had been denigrating bonds, respond to a question about any potential downside risk to equities. His answer? There is none. My column may have many flaws, but I have never written anything that mind-bogglingly stupid or gut-wrenchingly dishonest.

Time is running out. The Pentagon plans to convert the concentration camp in Guantanamo Bay into a DEATH CAMP – this is just a glimpse of what is to come. The Vatican will destroy millions of lives, in order to make way for a TOTAL REIGN OF CATHOLICISM in the Western hemisphere.

– Mike

There are a lot of things about which I am concerned, but the total reign of Catholicism, in any hemisphere, is fairly close to the bottom of the list. Then again, it’s entirely possible that Catholic imperialists have been cunningly lying low for, lo, these many centuries. Because at this point, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.

Now, I want to know what the hell is wrong with men and the porno crap at work. Since you have such insight into women’s screwups these days, maybe you can enlighten me about the porno-viewing men.

– Jerri

It’s not exactly a secret, but men really do quite like to look at pretty women with hot bodies which aren’t particularly well covered. Since real women don’t tend to appreciate this sort of attention unless they’re being paid for it, and because the law takes a dim view of men wandering into women’s changing rooms, inanimate pictures are usually the safest bet.

This may sound pathetic, but it is, so there you go. Furthermore, a lot of men don’t really appreciate or enjoy their jobs. Throw an Internet connection into the mix, and you have one very unedifying picture of the depths to which men can sink without the inspiration and support of a good woman with strong Judeo-Christian morals. Or, at the very least, a boss with a clue.

It’s all about the visuals, ladies. Visuals are like scented candles, expensive restaurants and the smell of leather in a new Porsche all rolled into one as far as men are concerned.

Vox Day

Vox Day is a Christian libertarian and author of "The Return of the Great Depression" and "The Irrational Atheist." He is a member of the SFWA, Mensa and IGDA, and has been down with Madden since 1992. Visit his blog, Vox Popoli. Read more of Vox Day's articles here.