What does Dick Morris know about TWA 800?

By Jack Cashill

What does Dick Morris know? On July 15, I was able to question Morris on Paul Schiffer’s excellent Cleveland-area radio show. Although in his new book Morris refers to TWA 800 as one of three “attacks” in the “terrorist summer of 1996,” he clearly did not want to talk about this incident on the air.

What does John Kerry know and when did he know it? In his sudden obsession for truth-seeking, the good senator might want to share with us why he has twice referred on the air to TWA 800 as a terrorist act and why his Senate Select Committee on Intelligence did not mention TWA 800 at all in its 1996 or 1997 reports.

Why is Jamie Gorelick on the 9-11 commission? According to our best evidence, it was Gorelick, then deputy attorney general, who orchestrated the scuttling of the FBI investigation at an Aug. 22, 1996 meeting in Washington.

Why is FBI honcho Jim Kallstrom still appearing on television? “We need to stop the hypocrisy,” he told Dan Rather in an honest moment on Sept. 11. Kallstrom has the potential to do just that.

Why were no eyewitnesses ever allowed to testify anywhere in public? Isn’t that just a tad suspicious?

Why is Dennis Shanahan remaining silent? This eminent pathologist has strongly intimated that a fuel-tank fire could not explain the wounds he saw up close on the TWA 800 victims. When I called his home last month, his wife answered and said that Shanahan definitely wanted to talk to me. My subsequent calls have gone unreturned.

Human Events and WND excepted, why have the conservative print media turned their back on this story? Are they that afraid of being labeled kooks? Sean, Rush, Bill – we could use your help as well.

Why did the popular British Magazine Eye Spy go mum on this subject? The editor contracted with me to write an article on the subject. The editor responded to my article as follows: “Well done … It grabbed my attention from start to finish – something that is highly unlikely with a 7,000 word feature. Rarely am I absorbed so much in an investigative report … It is an excellent piece of research and one I will commend to my readers.” That was four months ago. My phone calls and e-mails go unanswered.

Why is the New York Times still in business? What follows is an excerpt of an e-mail I received from one of its editors: “I guess my thought is because this has been played out in the news before that I’m not sure there’s a new angle.” How about the truth? That would be a new angle.

How can George Stephanopolous continue to pose as a “journalist” while he keeps quiet on why he told Peter Jennings that the destruction of TWA 800 was a “bombing”?

Why was NSA honcho Tony Lake kept out of the July 17-18 meeting at the White House family quarters while his deputy, Sandy Berger, was reportedly invited in?

Why were female whistleblowers not popular in the Clinton years? There were at least five stalwart ones in the TWA 800 case – Elizabeth Sanders, Linda Kunz, Victoria Cummock, Kelly O’Meara, Kristina Borjesson. For their efforts, three were fired. One was suspended. One was convicted of conspiracy. One sued the vice president successfully. The media yawned and now wonder why no one else comes forward.

Why doesn’t someone talk to the crew of the P-3 Orion? This intelligence-gathering plane was about one mile from the crash site. Under orders, the crew stonewalled even the FBI. Might not our fervent new truth seekers ask for a hearing in which the crew might testify. They have no interest in lying. They could break the case in a minute. They could have done so seven years ago.

Why was the FBI allowed to take over the investigation? The move was patently illegal, and everyone knew it.

Why did the Clintons go to Long Island to comfort the families? They did not go to Florida to comfort the ValuJet families two months earlier. No president has done such a thing before or since to the best of my knowledge.

Given the emotional difficulty of such a meeting, why does Hillary skip it in “Living History”?

Why is there no media interest in the CIA agents who knowingly corrupted the investigation? Leave George Tenet be for a second and go after the two analysts who created a video based on a totally fabricated interview. We have enough evidence to send someone to jail and are happy to share it.

Why no media interest in the FBI agents who knowingly corrupted the story of the dog-training exercise? We have enough evidence to send someone to jail on this one, too.

Wasn’t anyone in the media curious as to why there were no satellites images? Why the still photos were all scratched or smudged? Why the P-3’s transponder was broken? Why the radar suffered a glitch? Why the home video went missing? And why finally, there was not a single image of any sort of a plane self-destructing in the sky?

Related offers:

Price slashed on “First Strike: TWA Flight 800 and the Attack on America“! New book by Jack Cashill and James Sanders says government lies upped drama ante for terrorists. From WND Books, available in ShopNetDaily.

Purchase Jack Cashill’s stunning documentary video, “Silenced: Flight 800 and the Subversion of Justice” from WorldNetDaily’s online store.

“Altered Evidence” from Flight 800

How the Justice Department framed a journalist and his wife. Also available from WorldNetDaily’s online store!

Related columns:

  • Did Clinton appointee corrupt Flight 800 probe?

  • TWA 800 revelation: What the president knew

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  • Flight 800: Breakthrough!

  • How Newsweek can rewrite the history of TWA Flight 800

  • TWA Flight 800: The missing link

  • What did Kerry know, and when did he know it?

  • How the New York Times blew its biggest story

  • TWA 800: Who knew what, when

  • Why did Al Gore really drop out?

  • No longer an accident!

  • Kallstrom’s quest for redemption

  • Why John Kerry talks about TWA 800

  • Deception for dollars

  • Exposing FBI’s red herring: Parts 1 and 2

  • The fight goes on

  • Cracks appear in fuel-tank charade

  • The incredible shrinking climb

  • All the AG’s men

  • Demise of the TWA 800 cover-up?

  • Silenced no more!

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  • Exploding hypotheses: Parts 1 and 2

  • Imaginary flagpoles

  • The collapse of American journalism

  • Psychology of a cover-up

  • Feds muffle voice recorder data

  • Fateful 4 seconds

  • Unraveling the cover-up

  • TWA 800 controversy heats up

  • Cashill’s five-part series, “Silenced: Flight 800 and the subversion of justice”:

    Part 1

    Part 2

    Part 3

    Part 4

    Part 5

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  • Was there a government cover-up?

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  • What happened to TWA Flight 800?

  • TWA Flight 800 was ‘shot down’

    Jack Cashill

    Jack Cashill has a Ph.D. from Purdue University in American studies. His latest book is "Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight from America's Cities." Read more of Jack Cashill's articles here.