Subsidizing illegal immigration

By Jon Dougherty

Americans concerned about our nation’s increasingly serious illegal immigration problem – and that’s most of us, by the way – are suffering another insult, but it’s one you may not have realized. Already overtaxed to support a voracious U.S. government that refuses to get serious about securing our borders, Americans are also subsidizing the country responsible for sending most illegals north: Mexico.

Last week the Mexican central bank made a startling announcement. Officials there reported money sent home from U.S.-based “migrants” – read “illegal aliens” – topped foreign investment and tourism dollars, and is now second only to oil revenues.

In all, foreign investment south of the border amounts to about $5.2 billion thus far in 2003, while tourism amounts to $4.9 billion. But aliens living and working illegally in the U.S. sent $6.3 billion home to relatives, and all at a time when the U.S. economy is stagnant, at best.

Other reports have suggested the amount may be as high as $10 billion. In all, say some analysts, “migrants” in the U.S. illegally earn about $60 billion a year.

Whichever figure is most accurate may be a moot point because now it should make sense why U.S. leaders aren’t clamoring to close our borders. It’s a matter of economics. Rather than have to bail out Mexico with American tax dollars – excuse me, with International Monetary Fund dollars – a la 1995, U.S. leaders have obviously decided it’s better to let “migrants” siphon off what they need from the U.S. economy instead. Yet in doing so, they are saying to hell with American workers and local economies desperate for an infusion of the billions in cash being sent south of the border.

As Americans are being forced to support another failed Third World economy, suffice to say it comes as no surprise to longtime open-borders foes – we have known for some time that south-of-the-border leaders have neither the ability nor desire to improve the lives of their own people. Meanwhile, the hue and cry in the background are the open-borders proponents, who will still have the gall to argue that illegals are boosting the American bottom line. Don’t you believe it.

But that’s not all. The bleeding of the American taxpayer continues in other ways, thanks to millions of illegal aliens.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau and the Federation for American Immigration Reform, the cost to educate the children of illegal aliens alone is nearly $7.5 billion annually, or roughly the amount of money it would take to provide every student in the country with a computer.

It costs another $3 billion annually to provide medical care to illegals, though many hospitals – especially those along the border – can’t do it much longer. Southwestern medical centers have lost hundreds of millions of dollars treating illegals while others have closed altogether. Closures, of course, mean American citizens – for whom these facilities were intended – are now going without.

But rather than oppose these obscenities, many of our so-called “leaders” exacerbate the subsidization with lunatic policies born of blatant political pandering.

For instance embattled Gov. Gray Davis just signed a bill allowing illegal aliens to obtain California driver licenses, becoming another in more than a dozen states which do so. Forget the fact that the written tests are going to have to be administered in Spanish. Once they have licenses, how are these illegals going to be able to read state road signs, which are written in English? Will the heavily indebted California government spend billions more to erect multilingual road signs?

That Mexico is allowed to export its poverty to the United States is bad enough. But purposely allowing such poverty proliferation to be placed on the backs of American families, workers and taxpayers – especially at a time when their burden is becoming too heavy to bear – is unforgivable.

American leaders should be working overtime to thwart illegal immigration, not reward and subsidize it. If they won’t, maybe they should be looking for work come next November.

Jon Dougherty

Jon E. Dougherty is a Missouri-based political science major, author, writer and columnist. Follow him on Twitter. Read more of Jon Dougherty's articles here.