Paganism, ‘gay rights,’ abortion blockbusters – all FREE!

By WND Staff

Through Monday, Oct. 13 at 5 p.m. Eastern, WND is giving away – FREE – four of its most popular and powerful special Whistleblower editions ever. They include:

  • THE NEW PAGANISM: Documenting how Christianity in America is being gradually replaced by ‘green’ religion, goddess worship, and globalism;

  • GAY RIGHTS’ SECRET AGENDA: A shocking expose of how the homosexual activist movement has targeted America’s children;
  • “ONE NATION UNDER GOD? – showing how America, unless it rediscovers the core values on which it was founded, will lose both the terror war threatening it from without, and the culture war attacking it daily from within;
  • “ABORTION: The 30-year war” – acclaimed by many as the most shattering journalistic look at the abortion industry ever produced.

    These four acclaimed editions will be sent FREE to everyone who subscribes, renews or gives a gift Whistleblower subscription before the offer expires Monday.

    Each monthly edition of WND’s popular Whistleblower magazine tackles a single topic – a controversial, often explosive, and almost always politically incorrect topic, but one of immense important to the lives of Americans. It is also the prime source of support for

    The current edition is a powerfully insightful look at the institution of marriage – and the rapidly expanding movement to radically redefine, and many say, destroy it.

    “This wonderful issue of Whistleblower is both a celebration of real marriage, and a devastating expose of what’s wrong with same-sex marriage,” said WorldNetDaily and Whistleblower Editor Joseph Farah.

    Indeed, “THE END OF MARRIAGE?” takes an unusually fresh and penetrating look at the “divine institution,” going well beyond the usual arguments in defense of marriage and in opposition to same-sex unions.

    “‘THE END OF MARRIAGE,'” said Farah, “is a beautiful, powerful journalistic blockbuster on perhaps the most important – and now, the most threatened – institution known to man.”

    SUBSCRIBE to Whistleblower through Monday, Oct. 13 at 5 p.m. Eastern and receive the four special Whistleblower editions FREE.

    RENEW your Whistleblower subscription through Monday, Oct. 13 at 5 p.m. Eastern and receive the four special Whistleblower editions FREE.

    GIVE A GIFT Whistleblower subscription through Monday, Oct. 13 at 5 p.m. Eastern and receive the four special Whistleblower editions FREE.