Friday was a day of true disgrace for the Democratic Party – led by the increasingly irrational Ted Kennedy, who voted against President Bush’s funding request for our operation in Iraq. He wasn’t alone.
Presidential candidates John Edwards and John Kerry were right there with him, as was the congressional gargoyle Dennis Kucinich. Wesley Clark and Howard Dean couldn’t vote, but they did ring in to assure an anxious country that they most certainly would have voted no if they had just had the opportunity to do so.
Kennedy, Kerry, Edwards and every other politician who voted against this funding request were sending strong messages to our troops in Iraq, their families at home, to Saddam Hussein and his supporters, Islamic terrorists, the international community and to their fellow Americans. The message was not one of support or encouragement – it was one of abandonment and cowardice.
Democrats to our troops in Iraq
You’re on your own. While we may pay politically correct homage to “supporting our troops,” the reality is we don’t. We aren’t going to provide the funds necessary to continue caring for you in the field. What’s more, we don’t approve of what you have accomplished thus far. Your mission in Iraq has been a failure, and that would make you failures.
Democrats to Saddam and his supporters
It seems you had us pretty much figured out from the get-go. Once you showed that you were willing to wage a war of attrition against our troops, killing a few here and a few there, we folded. We want out. You can now proceed with your plans to return to the seat of power in Baghdad.
What’s more, now that you have achieved your victory over America, you will be free to re-institute your weapons programs as you see fit. There will be no more inspections, no more cruise missiles lobbed your way to make political points, and no more pressure from the United States to halt your weapons programs. Knock yourselves out.
Democrats to the people of Iraq
Hold on, it’s going to be a bumpy ride. As you may have suspected, America does not have the resolve and courage to stick to this campaign. Soon, your ruthless dictator or maybe somebody worse will return. With them will come the midnight disappearances, the torture, the killings and the mass graves.
If you cooperated with the Americans during our aborted attempt to rid you of this devil, we’re sorry. You will most assuredly be targeted by Saddam’s thugs and murdered. They have been watching, knowing that soon we would turn tail and run and leave you to their revenge. Sorry ’bout that.
Democrats to Islamic terrorists around the world
The way is clear. We will no longer bring the war to you on your soil. We will simply wait for you to bring your jihad to us, or, if you like, we will do whatever is in our power to appease you at every turn. We do not have the stomach for a fight. Appeasement is by far our preferred course of action.
Democrats to the international community
The United States herewith withdraws from any responsibility to work with our allies in fighting terrorism. We are henceforth going to follow the path of appeasement. You would be well advised to do the same. Oh, and you might want to give a thought to beefing up your militaries, too.
Democrats to the American people
Brace yourselves. Islamic terrorists around the world will soon be celebrating the return of Saddam Hussein and the Baath Party to power in Iraq. We have abandoned the path of confrontation and eradication and have chosen instead the path of appeasement and withdrawal. Saddam will soon renew his production of weapons of mass destruction and his attempts to build nuclear weapons.
At some future time, it is certain these weapons will fall into the hands of terrorists, and eventually make their way to our country. Our actions today will undoubtedly lead to another terrorist attack on our home soil. To prevent such an attack, we will be taking even more draconian security measures in our homeland.
In short order, we will be issuing national identity cards which you will be required to have on your person at all times. You will also be subject to searches of your home, your automobiles and your person at the whim of the government. Sorry, but in the face of the terrorist threat, we are going to have to suspend nuisances such as probable-cause hearings or warrants before we conduct these searches, or before we tap your telephone lines and Internet computers.
Democrats to our founding fathers
You knew it couldn’t last. Once we convinced the people of America that this was a democracy in which the majority ruled, the rest was easy. Your flawed creation lasted 25 years past its life expectancy. Now it’s our turn to realize our vision. Appeasement is the road to one-world government … a road down which we have now turned.
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