The Islamic bomb expands

By Hal Lindsey

There are reports emerging in the press of a secret agreement recently concluded between Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. An Israeli intelligence official told the Knesset Defense Committee that Saudi Arabia is seeking nuclear warheads from Pakistan for its land-based missiles. The information, according to Maj.-Gen. Aharon Ze’evi, is consistent with details he heard last month in Washington from experts speaking before the U.S. Senate.

It is also consistent with news reports published this week following a hastily arranged “state visit” by Crown Prince Abdullah to Islamabad over the weekend. The Crown Prince arrived in Islamabad on Saturday, met with Musharraf, and was back on a plane Sunday evening.

Now that the U.S. has pulled out of Saudi Arabia, the House of Saud is thinking its oil fields look pretty vulnerable, and Iran’s nuclear program is looking pretty scary. Let’s take a look at the chessboard, as it is currently set up.

Iran is a Shiite theocracy. Saudi Arabia is Sunni. When they aren’t fighting Israel or the infidel Americans, Sunnis and Shiites find killing each other fills the void.

Pakistan is majority Sunni and is facing off against its mortal enemy, India. India has concluded a strategic defense agreement with Iran.

The Saudis hope to checkmate Shiite Iran’s ambitions by obtaining a nuclear deterrent from Sunni Pakistan. Pakistan hopes to checkmate India’s strategic agreement with Tehran by supplying a nuclear deterrent to Saudi Arabia.

Are you following all this?

According to Israeli intelligence, Iran is within 10 months of being able to produce nuclear weapons, and “as such, no diplomatic initiative would be able to stop its nuclear program.”

How credible are these reports? Prior to 9-11, there were just three countries that recognized the Taliban’s legitimacy. The UAE, the Saudis and Pakistan. All three knew of the Taliban’s relationship with al-Qaida.

The Saudis have steadfastly refused to cooperate with the U.S. war on terror. The UAE is keeping as low a profile as possible. Pakistan has provided only grudging support. Musharraf, it is to be remembered, was Osama’s protector until he was given a choice between being an “ally” or a target.

The Saudis continue to fund the radical Islamic madrassas (Taliban schools) that exist all over Pakistan, where students are inculcated with anti-American, anti-Israeli and anti-Indian propaganda.

There are only two ways to get an education in Pakistan. Attend one of the 12,000 Saudi-funded Koranic schools, or be rich enough to afford a private education. Most Pakistanis go to the madrassas if they want to learn to read and write.

By the time they graduate, they are turned into is a fresh crop of al-Qaida wannabes, eager to block America’s alleged plans to destroy Islam. And all of this courtesy of Saudi Arabia.

It is the graduates of these schools who now have nukes. The ones who trained them are hoping to have nukes soon. And there is no way to stop them.

During the Cold War, there were just two nuclear buttons – one in Washington, the other in Moscow.

Remember the excitement when the Cold War ended and we won? Remember the “peace dividend” we were going to have in a world without enemies? Remember when Oslo ended the Arab-Israeli conflict and peace and safety was breaking out everywhere?

Today, there are nuclear buttons in Israel, Pakistan, China, North Korea, and coming soon, Saudi Arabia and Iran. This makes the Cold War look like the good old days.

Now we can get nuked from several directions by regimes that have none of the “safeguards” of the Mutually Assured Destruction doctrine that held the Soviet Union at bay. Some Muslim nations wouldn’t be deterred by MAD. And some terrorist organizations know that we would have a hard time identifying exactly where to find those responsible for the nuke attack.

The Apostle Paul predicted the conditions of the Last Days: “While they are saying, “Peace and safety! Then destruction will come upon them suddenly like birth pangs upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape. But you, brethren (Christians), are not in darkness, that the day should overtake you like a thief …” (1 Thessalonians 5:3-4 NASB)

This day should not take a believer by surprise as long as he is paying attention to the Bible predictions. Prophecy indicates we are on the brink of the fulfillment all the events predicted for the Last Days. And the greatest promise is that we will not be here when the worst happens.

Hal Lindsey

Hal Lindsey is the best-selling non-fiction writer alive today. Among his 20 books are "Late Great Planet Earth," his follow-up on that explosive best-seller, "Planet Earth: The Final Chapter" and "Everlasting Hatred: The Roots of Jihad." See his website The Hal Lindsey Report. Read more of Hal Lindsey's articles here.