Democrats: Christians no longer welcome

By Kevin McCullough

Sen. Chuck Schumer from New York can’t handle it. Sen. Richard Durbin of Illinois comes near soiling himself at the thought. And even the least harmful of Democratic senators – Joe Lieberman – is bothered by it. What is “it”? An effective leader, with demonstrable skill in their chosen area of vocation, and a solid conviction to the faith of their heart.

Following a predictable pattern, Sens. Schumer and Durbin, who both sit on the Senate Judiciary Committee, were languishing this week over their imagined pain at having to (bite lip here and look sympathetic) filibuster yet another of President Bush’s nominees.

The poor soul in “doubt” and “question” this time with the “troubling record of judicial decisions that appear unsatisfactory” is Janice Rogers Brown – the sharp-minded, keen-thinking justice from the California Supreme Court, who won re-election by 76 percent.

By the way, did I mention that I have had trouble finding any evidence of a California politician ever having won a statewide race by 76 percent? She has had a stellar career as a justice – at least so says the American Bar Association.

But one of the “troubling” aspects of her nomination – at least for the Schumer-Durbin-Leahy hacks – was this: “her practice of using a time of quiet Bible study and prayer to help her form her legal opinions.” She also, “made a commencement address in which she criticized people who want to mold society ‘as if God does not exist.'” (Never mind the fact that she is so well read that she regularly quotes from Plato, George Washington and even pop-culture figures like John Grisham and Billy Preston.)

In the world of “I want to be president” Joe Lieberman, an equally “troubling” set of events caused him to go on the offensive this week. What was the great injustice? An active-duty U.S. general speaking of personal Christian belief! And in a church of all places!

Because of this, Sen. Lieberman believes that Gen. William Jerry Boykin should resign. All Gen. Boykin did was to say that Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein represented “a guy named Satan” in the battle between good and evil. Does anyone in America not believe that?

Lieberman said this week: “This is a war on terrorists, not on religion.”

The rumblings have grown louder.

Sen. John Kerry has said his remarks were “un-American.” Un-American – and flying the planes into the towers was tantamount to the Fourth of July?

What is becoming increasingly obvious is the degree to which Christianity has no place in the Democratic Party – particularly if you are devout, convicted, and articulate about what your faith represents.

In order to be a good Democrat you can not be a Catholic or Protestant of deeply held convictions because the knock is – you might actually believe them. And if this is the case, then as a judge you might rule in a case where the evidence demonstrates that a doctor is responsible to advise women seeking abortion that they run an increased risk of breast cancer. (The first American cash settlement of this type also came down this week).

But to get to this point in society, you must be ready to do what society is insistent on not doing these days. You must believe in absolute truth. You must believe that there is a difference – not just in right or wrong, but between good and evil.

Until recently, I have been willing to cut folks like Schumer and Durbin a break and believe that they were simply wrong on many of the issues that I disagreed with them on. But the days have changed. They along with Sens. Kerry and Lieberman seem intent on opposing Christianity in its purest form. And in this, they move from the realm of the wrong to the realm of the evil.

We do not all worship the same God. The Allah of Islam was a counterfeit devised by Muhammad because he was jealous of the following that Jehovah received from Jews and Christians in his day.

Islamic hate for Jews and Christians was real in the historic beginning of the Islamic faith, and it is more present than ever in its most extreme representation today.

For Janice Rogers Brown, though, this is bad news.

However, if she was a freedom-hating, terror-plotting, suicide-bomber-in-training – Schumer and Durbin would most likely approve her nomination with great delight and then take each other out for drinks and celebrate “how they really beat the Republicans by keeping another Christian off the judiciary.”

The madness must stop. I want judges with a strong and deeply held sense of right vs. wrong. I think most Americans do too.

The good thing is, we’re getting close enough to election time to let the voters know what we think of those Democratic senators who wish to keep the Latinos and blacks off the federal judiciary simply because they are faithful Christians.

Actually, I’m hopeful that 2004 sees a lot of office cleaning in Washington.

Kevin McCullough

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Kevin McCullough's first hardback title, "The MuscleHead Revolution: Overturning Liberalism with Commonsense Thinking," is now available. He is heard daily in New York City, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware on WMCA 570 at 2 p.m.
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