WND readers who want to fully understand the dire implications of today’s Massachusetts Supreme Court decision – which opens the door to homosexual marriage not only in that state, but throughout America — need to read a special in-depth investigative report WorldNetDaily has prepared on the subject, says WND Editor Joseph Farah.
For the next 24 hours, WorldNetDaily is giving away a FREE copy of that report – a special edition of Whistleblower magazine titled “THE END OF MARRIAGE?” — to everyone who subscribes to WND’s acclaimed monthly magazine.
“THE END OF MARRIAGE?” is a powerfully insightful look at the institution of marriage – and the rapidly expanding movement to radically redefine, and many say, destroy it.
“This wonderful issue of Whistleblower is both a celebration of real marriage, and a devastating expose of what’s wrong with same-sex marriage,” said WorldNetDaily and Whistleblower Editor Joseph Farah. The issue takes an unusually fresh and penetrating look at the “divine institution,” going well beyond the usual arguments in defense of marriage and in opposition to same-sex unions.
Included in the issue:
“‘THE END OF MARRIAGE,'” said Farah, “is a beautiful, powerful journalistic blockbuster on perhaps the most important — and now, the most threatened — institution known to man.”
Each month, Whistleblower focuses on one topic – typically a topic of great, even crucial, importance to Americans, yet one all-but-ignored by the mainstream press. It is also the prime source of support for WorldNetDaily.com.
The current issue of Whistleblower, “THE MYTH OF CHURCH-STATE SEPARATION,” says Farah, is “a definitive, once-and-for-all, legal and historical refutation of the fiction that the Constitution was intended to prohibit or infringe on freedom of religious expression – whether at home, church, school, or in the public square.”
“It’s a myth,” said Farah, “and this issue of Whistleblower slam-dunks the case proving that’s all it is.”
Starting with the famous 1801 letter written by the Baptists of Danbury, Conn., to newly elected President Thomas Jefferson – and Jefferson’s brief response, in which he coined the phrase “a wall of separation between church and state” to assure his constituents that the new Constitution would not establish a national church or otherwise infringe on their religious liberties – this special Whistleblower edition attacks the church-state issue from every conceivable angle.
“You will positively cheer when you read this issue,” said Farah. “It is the silver bullet people have been waiting for, that will finally shoot down this insidious charade that has been destroying every last vestige of our Christian heritage from America. Maybe this edition of Whistleblower will finally help turn things around.”
The special offer for the FREE report on “THE END OF MARRIAGE?” is good until 5 p.m. Eastern tomorrow.
SUBSCRIBE to Whistleblower and receive 12 monthly issues, plus a FREE copy of “THE END OF MARRIAGE?”
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