WND Books author the Rev. Jesse Peterson, whose work “Scam” is available exclusively at WorldNetDaily, will be a guest tonight on MSNBC’s “Scarborough Country” at 10 p.m. Eastern
In “Scam: How the Black Leadership Exploits Black America,” Peterson – a true black leader whom many affectionately call “the other Jesse” – shows how the civil-rights establishment has made a lucrative career out of keeping racial strife alive in America.
He reveals how establishment black leaders endlessly promise solutions to the problems of America’s inner cities, but deliver only ineffective Band-Aids. From the dismal failure of the welfare system, to the farce of the slavery-reparations movement, to the problems within black churches and the hypocrisy and corruption of current black “leaders,” Peterson argues compellingly that the real crisis we face is spiritual, and that no economic solution will suffice. He skillfully weaves the realms of politics, culture, psychology and religion into this profound and relevant book.
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Tucker Carlson