What must we do to save America?

By WND Staff

At the close of my November column – “Public Education is Terrifying!” – I wrote:

What scares and demoralizes me the most is that as a people, Americans do not express unified outrage anymore. Kobe Bryant – an admitted adulterer and accused rapist – gets a standing ovation from an adoring crowd at a basketball game; hallowed halls of higher education subvert the very meaning of education to give forums to perverts, racists and gender hostilities (which is the definition of a black / Hispanic / women’s / whatever studies curriculum) and biased, leftist, anti-Western Civilization courses … and nothing happens.

I then asked the question: “Why is that?”

I would like to be able to tell you that I received hundreds, even thousands, of answers considering the millions who read WorldNetDaily.com. I received 23 – well thought out, but only 23.

Leah, from Ohio, brought up a point I’ve made many times on my radio program: Decent people are busy at home and at work doing the things that decent people do in a decent life.

I wonder how many of the (leftist) activists are home with their children after school every night, helping with homework, taking them to piano practice, fixing a warm supper for their husbands who work long hours, holding the baby through the night when he has a fever? Most of the men and women I know who hold more conservative values have a hard time leaving their children in day care, or letting them “veg” in front of the television while mom and dad do “more important” things.

Most of us know what self-sacrifice means, and put the needs of our family and others first. Most of the people who would applaud Kobe Bryant are good at putting themselves first. And, maybe they’re willing to look the other way when Kobe Bryant does what he does because they don’t want to feel guilty for whatever they’re doing … I wish there were a better answer, but I think there are just too few conservative-thinking people who have the time to devote to fighting the cultural battles in a big way.

Marcia, from California, believes that the liberal domination in public education has brainwashed our children to see the government as the source of all things – instead of family or God:

I contend that liberalism is a religion … a composite religion that is distinctly anti-Judeo-Christian and anti-biblical worldview. The liberals lead the “church-state separation campaign,” while at the same time they create more reliance on the “Church of the Liberal Government.” The public-education system is this “church’s” biggest ministry.

Gale, from California, summed it up in three points:

(1) … because the majority have lost their sense of right and wrong – black-and-white morality is gray to them. (2) … because the ‘fight has become too big, and they don’t know how to unify, and (3) … because morality is unpopular. There can be repercussions for standing up for good. Dr. Laura, you have been beat up, slandered, demeaned, stomped on, kicked off television and every other thing possible. Most people just don’t have that kind of stamina. I thank God every day that you have been strengthened to endure it all for me.

As if to confirm Gale’s fears, Kelly from Idaho, wrote:

In 1993, I had the audacity to author and lead a statewide ballot measure here in Idaho that would have prevented all state tax monies from being spent to promote the teaching of homosexual behavior as healthy and normal in the public schools … by reading the media accounts, I was the new token state bigot overnight. I simply thought that I was nothing more than a concerned father and husband who desperately wanted to pass the cultural baton on to the next generation in better shape than I received it.

I patiently repeated over and over that we are to love all people, including homosexuals, but that homosexual behavior should … not be celebrated by forced tolerance PC campaigns … after doing media interviews an average of literally three hours daily during the last months of the campaign, it is my firm belief that the average person lives in complete fear of incurring the wrath of the local editorial board. “Heaven forbid my personal reputation getting trashed by the local paper” is definitely the order of the day.

This foxhole mentality has got to end nationally or we will continue to be intimidated into submission by a handful of left-wing nuts who must go home at night in complete glee at the level of control they wield over the masses.

Jo Marie wrote that:

The “experts” from sociology to psychology have convinced too many of us that judging and expressing moral outrage is “bad,” because it hurts people’s feelings.

Elizabeth confirms that:

As a society, we have misinterpreted the “Judge not, and ye shall not be judged” Luke 6:37 part of the New Testament to mean we are not to point out evil and wrong doing [it refers to hypocrisy, not judgment of evil]. With this mentality, most are unwilling to speak out against what they believe to be wrong.

Linda expressed that:

The moral foundation of this country is being kicked out from under it … With God out of public discourse, people have lost confidence in their ability to tell right from wrong (moral relativism being the official religion of the public schools).

As if to summarize all of the above, Michael, says that:

The short answer is: indoctrination, intimidation and the breaking down of the human spirit to the point where people have a slave mentality of not challenging their masters (i.e., mass media, higher educational officials, and to some extent, the government).

OK, folks, now what? (Fax number: 818-461-5140).