For the second consecutive year, WorldNetDaily is featuring a daily feature called “Today’s American Minute” – short historical accounts that highlight an event or person that helped shape the United States or Western civilization.
Best-selling author Bill Federer, president of publishing company Amerisearch Inc., compiles each day’s entry.
Wrote WND columnist Rebecca Hagelin, each “American Minute” “provides a succinct, invaluable lesson about American history that many of today’s popular textbooks ignore.”
Hagelin routinely reads the lessons to her children, calling the daily offerings “priceless tidbits about the philosophies and courage of our founding fathers, other American leaders and our nation’s Christian history that revisionists and many politicians and pundits would rather ignore. Federer’s writings prove that when the truth is told – and told well – its power is enormous.”
Federer often includes references to the faith in God held by American heroes and statesmen, such as today’s entry quoting President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, born this date in 1882, who declared his belief in the precepts of the Bible.
WND has a link on the Page 1 left-hand navigation bar entitled, “Today’s American Minute.” Click there to read the latest narrative from Federer or to catch up on those you might have missed.
Each daily entry is short enough to read in less than a minute – a great way to start your day and a wonderful resource for homeschool families.