Bogus ‘rape’ photos
used in call for jihad

By Sherrie Gossett

Fake “rape” photos that originated on porn sites and were distributed throughout the world as evidence of coalition atrocities undergirded a recent call to jihad by a London-based militant group that supported the beheading of American hostage Nick Berg.

In an “urgent” statement released on May 4, the same day WND debunked the photos, the British-based radical Islamist group Al-Muhajiron rang the alarm over the depictions of gang-rape.

WorldNetDaily reported the photos, which appeared on Arabic websites, were actually taken from American and Hungarian pornography sites.

“The more vivid and explicit photos however weren’t even shown,” Al-Muhajiron announced. “Muslim women being forced to perform fellatio on U.S. soldiers, forced to drink urine, and U.S. soldiers pleasuring themselves over the faces of Muslim sisters as they cringe in desperation and disbelief and utter disgust, their face veils and clothes having been ripped off.”

The group announced that following an urgent meeting, a group of scholars from the Sharia Court of the UK, along with Al-Muhajiron, were calling for all Muslims in the region to unite against the British, American and other foreign invaders.

“Muslims remain silent and the regimes in Muslim countries continue to shake the murderous hands of these abettors or rape, torture and pillage,” the statement read.

“It is too late to stop the atrocities which have already taken place, but it is not too late to drive these nasty infidels out of Muslim land once and for all. … Let us support those trying to liberate Muslim land wherever it is being occupied.

“The war in Iraq is one being fought against the kafir (non-Muslim) invaders, therefore all Muslims are obliged be part of it, each one according to his own circumstances and means. Those who are capable and obliged to do so physically in the region must do everything they can physically; those who are capable and obliged to address the evil verbally must do all they can by preaching and motivating the Muslims around the world for Jihad; and those who can afford to support this Jihad financially must do all they can in this respect.”

The statement demanded U.S. and British soldiers and their leaders be tried in a Sharia court for atrocities committed.

Demonstrations were called for the same day outside the U.S. embassy and Downing Street in London to “condemn the atrocities being committed, to show support for the Muslims of Iraq and to demand divine justice for the evil-doers.”

Nine days later, on May 13, the Al-Muhajiroun group released another statement about the beheading of Nick Berg by an al-Qaida-affiliated group.

“The recent beheading of an American soldier needn’t have happened had it not been for the fascist policies that the U.S. and UK have carried out there,” Al-Muhajiroun announced.

“The ritual and systematic torture, abuse and humiliation of innocent Muslims was bound to have serious and severe repercussions, including attacks against the non-Muslim occupiers.”

The group also listed as cause for grievance the widespread support of Western regimes for the “pirate state” of Israel. In addition, discrimination against Muslims, including the holding of “innocent” Muslims in jails in Cuba, Italy, Spain and Germany, was cited as something that makes tourists and overseas civilians vulnerable to retaliatory attacks in return for the release of Muslims being held or changes in “these regimes’ foreign policies.”

The group urges all non-Muslims to leave Muslim countries.

Al-Muhajiroun reminds its followers of the “central and clear cut concepts” of the obligation to fight jihad, martyrdom operations and the rejection of all non-Islamic legislative bodies and laws, such as the “U.N., IMF, NATO, etc. …”

The group also says that “Islam will one day dominate the world.”

Al-Muhajiroun believes and teaches that it is ultimately the job of the Khilafah (the head of the Islamic state) to impose Sharia law upon all its citizens and to craft a future foreign policy that would remove obstacles outside its frontiers to expand its boundaries – so one day Sharia law can be implemented worldwide.

Like other Islamist groups, while fighting “Western imperialism,” Al-Muhajiroun is advancing Islamic imperialism.

British media recently reported that the group when railing against Western values defines those as values as “a love for pornography and pedophilia.”

Al-Muhajiroun is led by Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad, a London-based Muslim cleric suspected of having links with detained militant Abu Qatada, the man widely seen as the head of al-Qaida in Europe. Al-Muhajiroun strongly denounced the Western media for linking the group and its leader to al-Qaida.

Muhammad was the founder of Hizb-ut-Tahrir in the United Kingdom prior to starting the Al-Muhajiroun organization. He also acts as supreme judge of the Sharia Court of the United Kingdom and the principal of the London School of Sharia.

During a recent court hearing, a link was explored between Muhammad and for Omar Khan Sharif, who was involved in the suicide bombing of “Mike’s Place,” a bar in Tel Aviv.

Sharif, 27, and Asif Hanif, 21, of London conducted a suicide bombing operation against the bar April 30, 2003.

Three people were killed and 65 injured in the explosion caused by Hanif, who died. Sharif’s bomb failed to go off. Sharif died following his escape from the scene, and his body was found in the sea 12 days later.

In Sharif’s home, a handwritten note was found that contained the words “Omar Bakri, appt Thursday.”

The sheik has admitted meeting Sharif several times in Derby for “ideological discussions.”

Sharif was spotted distributing Al Muhajiroun leaflets outside the Jamia Mosque on Rose Hill Street and standing on their stall in Normanton Road six months before he carried out his attack, according to the Derby Evening Telegraph.

Woolwich-based Al Muhajiroun member Mohamed told BBC security correspondent Frank Gardner: “We consider [the attacks of] 9-11 as a self sacrifice operation whereby 19 mujahedeen, i.e. fighters of Islam, broke the nose of America.”

British media are reporting that mainstream Muslims are taking issue with the group and oppose its extremists views, which are said by opponents to belong to a minority.

Ironically, the group also released a statement warning followers to verify the news they receive. The statement, entitled, “Oh you who believe! Verify the news lest you harm people unwittingly,” warned of “lies and fabrications.”

“We thought it timely to remind ourselves (and others) of an important principle in Islam with regards accepting news or information,” the statement reads. “The significance and gravity of false news is such that it can destroy amity and unity between individuals and whole communities; it can spread hate and hostility, and kindle discord and conflict. There never was a matter seeming simple yet having so great a consequence as false or distorted news that a person believes or falls victim to. Therefore, Allah (swt) commands us to verify sources of news to protect ourselves from falling prey to falsified news.”

The statement is signed by Al Muhajiroun and Dr. Abu Ziyaad, a “foreign affairs correspondent” for Jihad Unspun, a website that published the rape photos.

Following WND’s expose of the photos as fake, Jihad Unspun floated a conspiracy theory that the photos are of real rape, posted on pornography sites to torment the victims and their kin. is floating a similar conspiracy theory, but naming “nefarious Jews” as the conspiratorial pornographers.

Related stories:

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Sherrie Gossett

Sherrie Gossett is associate editor for Accuracy in Media and a contributing reporter for WorldNetDaily. Her original news stories have been widely cited by the press, including the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Boston Herald, Agence France-Presse, London Times, Fox News and Inside Edition. She is based in Washington, D.C. Read more of Sherrie Gossett's articles here.