As of March 29, 2004, the United States – i.e., we the taxpayers – had contributed $123 million to international organizations to prepare and respond to the crisis in Iraq. Many millions of which went the International Red Cross and Crescent Society.
Had Al Capone paid a small percentage of that amount to the IRS, he would have died a free man. The paltry tens of thousands of dollars Capone paid to corrupt officials was enough to buy safety and respect until the IRS interceded on behalf of government elements that thought it best for society that he be segregated from same.
But apparently while the International Committee of the Red Cross covets U.S. money, they have no respect for the American taxpayers who work and struggle to supply them with reams of cash. Their thank you to the taxpayer’s is a thumb to the nose, unambiguous contempt and unseemly demands – the latest being a demand that the United States either charge Saddam Hussein or release him when the formal occupation of Iraq ends on June 30.
In this writer’s opinion, it is not necessarily up to the United States to charge Hussein – I believe it is up to the new Iraqi government to quantify the charges against him. But I do believe it is up to the United States to ensure that our friends – the French, Germans and Russians (to name but a few) – do not orchestrate a way of escape or release for this brazen murderer.
The mission of the International Federation of Red Cross Societies is “to provide assistance without discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions.” It is not to dictate policy to the United States.
The IFRCS had generations to intercede in Iraq per their stated mission, i.e. reason for being. Yet they did nothing. Does anyone recall them demanding the release of thousand’s from Hussein’s torture chambers? Does anyone recall them publicly denouncing Hussein and his sons for the inhumane treatment of their people?
They have made numerous trips to the Guantanamo Bay detention center and demanded more, but does anyone recall them bringing bulldozers into Iraq during Hussein’s regime saying, “We’re here to dig for bodies?”
It was certainly no secret to the United Nations, French, Germans, Russians or the IFRCS that Hussein allowed the training of terrorists in Northern Iraq – specifically the ones who ultimately murdered thousand of Americans. Did they demand Hussein end his sponsorship of terrorism?
As of May 21, 2004, there remain nearly 2,000 American servicemen unaccounted for in Southeast Asia – can anyone remember hearing the IFRCS demanding a once-and-for-all accounting of these missing Americans?
Like North Korea, Iran is now flexing their muscles with nuclear weapons – have we heard the IFRCS’ shrill pronouncements about these threats to humankind? For that matter have we heard them making demands to visit prisons in either country? Have we heard them demand to visit the tortured in those countries?
Besides passing out condoms, prescribing abortions, handing out bread and Band-Aids, what have they done in Africa? Why is it that they condemn Israel and the United States, but in silence run soup kitchens in Serbia?
It is almost a certainty the IFRCS would answer my questions by saying it’s not their mission and /or they don’t approve of the actions of the aforementioned. Allowing for such response, why then is it their prerogative to dictate policy to the United States, their principle benefactor?
As I asked before, how could they allow the Hussein regime to murder, torture, rape and siphon (read steal) billions of dollars, from the oil for food plan – while the Iraqi people ate dust and washed in bloody sewers?
Why are they at this time so concerned about the well being of Hussein and his murderous minions?
Naysayers are quick to blame President Bush for loss of life, but I blame those like IFRCS for undermining the war effort by preventing the military from doing effectively that which they are trained to do.