2,400 lawmakers warn of Kinsey influence

By WND Staff

A group of 2,400 conservative lawmakers nationwide are warning of the dangers sexual revolutionary Alfred Kinsey’s work has brought to women and children.

In a scholarly monograph titled, “Restoring Legal Protections for Women And Children: A Historical Analysis of The States Criminal Codes,” the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, presents evidence of “illegal and criminal acts masquerading as science.”

Alfred C. Kinsey

According to ALEC, the paper details how “a pornography-addicted, sadomasochistic, bi/homosexual pedophile propagandist was able to launch the sexual revolution, reduce sex crime penalties and sabotage American sex law.”

The group’s Education Subcommittee on Junk Science in the Classroom said it commissioned the research “because of widespread use of ‘junk’ science misdirecting legislatures, courts and education.”

As WorldNetDaily reported, Kinsey’s life is the subject of a Hollywood film starring Liam Neeson, scheduled to be released in November.

The ALEC paper says since World War II, Kinsey’s fraudulent data informed and directed the American Law Institute’s “Model Penal Code” in eliminating and weakening 52 sex laws that once protected marriage.

Laws adopted between 1960 and 1980 permitted Kinsey’s abnormal sexual conduct to be taught to American children via sex education, the paper says.

“Since then,” says a summary of the paper, “public health costs from sexual disease and dysfunction have skyrocketed; indeed all measures of socio-sexual disorder have soared from the 1960s, when protective laws began to be weakened and/or eliminated.”

Judith Reisman, the scientific adviser to the Subcommittee on Junk Science for the project, notes a sentence was omitted from the introduction by California state Sen. Ray Haynes, the Republican whip, which recognized Kinsey’s “junk science” as the “unquestioned foundation for all the legal, legislative and media debate on marriage and civil unions.”

Another paragraph that didn’t make the final cut, says Reisman, was about the influence of Kinsey’s fraud on the debate about homosexuality in legislatures nationwide and the “bogus data” cited by the U.S. Supreme Court to normalize sodomy in the Lawrence vs. Texas decision in 2003.

Along with Haynes, state legislators who worked on the project were Sen. Kay O’Connor, Kan.; Rep. Keith King., Colo.; Sen. Laurie Bleaker, Kan.; Del. Janet Greenip, Md.; Rep. Carolyn Coleman, Okla.; Rep. Andre Martel, N.H.; Del. John Reid, Va.; and Sen. Jack Westwood, Ky.

The report says the evidence of wrongdoing comes from Kinsey’s confessions in his own “Reports,” published in 1948 and 1953.

Charles Rice, professor of constitutional law at the University of Notre Dame, concluded Kinsey’s research was “contrived, ideologically driven and misleading.”

He said, “Any judge, legislator or other public official who gives credence to that research is guilty of malpractice and dereliction of duty.”

Kinsey’s data in 1955 said “nearly 2 males out of every 5 that one may meet” have had some kind of homosexual experience.

His influence can be seen today in the calls for “discrimination” laws to protect the full range of sexual activities including transvestitism, transgenderism, polygamy and bestiality.

Also, it influences the debate in education over whether to teach our children all “alternate” sexual acts as normal, or to teach chastity and abstinence until marriage.

The paper says Kinseyan law “revisers” ended our American Common Law sexual controls via:

  • Sex law revision commissions using Kinsey and his therapeutic elites as consultants.
  • Bar, law school journal and media articles relying on Kinsey.
  • Creation of the 1955 Kinsey-based American Law Institute Model Penal Code.
  • Redefining sexual predators as “ill” and in need of therapeutic/drug cures and early parole.?

Conclusions are based on data from 30 states where laws were changed according to the Kinsey-based penal code, focusing on six: Missouri, Kentucky, New Jersey, Kansas, Minnesota and Georgia.

In Missouri, for example, laws have redefined rape as?11 different crimes yielding more than 11 different adjudication issues and sentences. Rapists can now plea-bargain for a substantially lesser offense, such as sexual misconduct or simple assault. In other cases, offenders simply pay a misdemeanor fine, avoiding the “sex crime” stigma.

Other state Law Journals have cited the Kinsey Report data to:

  • Legalize prostitution (Maine, 1976)
  • Trivialize boy prostitution (Duke University, 1960)
  • Lighten all sex crime penalties (Ohio, 1959)
  • Express “beneficent concern for pedophiles” (Georgia, 1969)
  • Aid molesters as children seduce men (Missouri, 1973, Tennessee, 1965)
  • Reject judicial “condemnation of sex offenders” (Pennsylvania, 1952)

  • Assert that 95 percent of males are sex offenders (Oregon, 1972)
    Reduce, eliminate most sex crime laws, including rape (Oklahoma, 1970)

  • Legalize homosexuality (South Dakota, 1968)
  • Legalize sodomy since 10-37 percent of males have been homosexual (most journals)

In his introduction, Haynes says, “This State Factor is a valuable reference and resource for your work in government, because it provides you with history and current information of the utmost importance for any informed understanding of many public issues crucial to the protection of America’s families and young people. Understanding how junk sex science has deformed our thinking and laws is vital as legislators ‘point the way.’”

Haynes urges legislators to “call attention to Kinsey’s questionable findings.”

Only then, he contends, “can we start to reverse the misguided assault on American law and way of life through investigation, inquiries and repeal of laws and public policies based on ‘junk’ science.”

A copy of the report can be obtained by telephoning ALEC at (202) 466-3800.

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