Morality doesn’t evolve

By Mychal Massie

I recently heard a gentleman comment, “Morality doesn’t evolve, it always has been.” One need not be a genius to recognize the truth in that statement; but one must be either blind to shame or totally dishonest to deny its truth.

Today, we are told every form of debauchery is good no matter how deviant. Minority rule is now the consensus notwithstanding the majority, and heretofore the laws hold differently.

From the beginning of time, homosexuality, while practiced on various levels, was viewed as a degenerate behavior. Today, it is not only openly practiced – it has been given equal provision with the sanctity of marriage.

It was once understood that no matter the argument for same, said behavior would lead to the downfall of family and ultimately of society. Today, we are told it is healthy, normal and indeed moral.

The abuse of young children in the workplace led Robert Raike to establish the first Sunday School. He embraced children in a healthy, positive way, bringing Christianity into their lives.

Only days ago, the ACLU argued that the potential for abuse be damned; a Virginia nudist group has the right to open a nudist camp for young children. They argue to deny same is a violation of the group’s constitutional right to privacy.

Logical minds would be hard pressed to imagine any scenario in which the “Framers” of the Constitution intended for said right to be applied to such intent.

The ACLU argues, “So for these kids, being around other naked kids [and adults] is something perfectly normal, and the camp is very highly supervised.” To which I would reply, “That is exactly my concern lest we forget the countless number of children who were sexually assaulted by priests.”

Society from the beginning held that family was in effect sacred and to be protected. Today, nothing could be further from the truth. The family is under attack at every turn by the very courts, government and agencies that are sworn to protect it.

Animals, fish, forests and criminals are in effect given more rights and more access than law-abiding citizens. Criminals are often excused of their actions based on the flimsiest of interpretations and reasoning. Let a criminal be deemed to have been mistreated and social liberals converge to their defense. Let a police officer be murdered in the dispensation of his duty and these same voices are silent.

A father who murdered his infant child is argued to be free of guilt, because his enraged slaughter was caused by feelings of rage and persecution brought about by slavery. Never mind that he murdered “today” and slavery ended nearly 150 years ago.

Today, it is not only legitimate to murder unborn children; women who do so are given platforms of honor from which to encourage others to do so.

The most base and crude language is today not ostracized, but rather given unseemly sums of money and awards as being an expression of life in their community. At one time, the struggles of life brought us hymns, the blues and jazz.

Science and psychology at one time served to help man and improve his community. Today, both are used extensively to dismiss culpability and protect lascivious behavior.

Sexual promiscuity is encouraged by suggestive advertising and displays. Those who perform in pornographic films are given star status. No matter that the spread of disease, suicide and shattered lives are epidemic. Pornographer Larry Flynt is recognized as an important contributor by political parties.

Those who are elected and sworn to uphold the law, the Constitution and our values are often the greatest violators of same. Children are encouraged to explore their sexuality. Teachers’ unions and schools pronounce the inclusion of homosexuality into the curriculum as good for child development. I submit classes and presentations extolling “fisting” and the proper technique of same is without merit on any level.

Eminently qualified judicial nominees such as Leon Holmes of Arkansas are savaged by the likes of Sens. Diane Feinstein, D-Calif., and Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., while freely admitting same is being done because he is a Christian. Ministers are threatened with lawsuits for daring to preach the very word of God they are ordained to impart.

I do not suggest we live with our heads in the sand or in a puritanical society. But I do submit there are many today who remember an America that was once wholesome and ethical.

One must beg the question; if America continues on the path of labeling as good that which from the beginning was bad, what will she ultimately become?

Mychal Massie

Mychal Massie is founder and chairman of the Racial Policy Center (, a conservative think tank that advocates for a colorblind society. He was recognized as the 2008 Conservative Man of the Year by the Conservative Party of Suffolk County, New York. He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. Massie has appeared on cable news and talk-radio programming worldwide. He is also the founder and publisher of The Daily Rant: His latest book is "I Feel the Presence of the Lord." Read more of Mychal Massie's articles here.