The altered book cover. |
The cover of the highly popular critique of John Kerry’s war record, “Unfit for Command,” was briefly altered at Barnes & Noble’s website today, making it look like the book favored the Democrat.
The apparent hacking job included deleting the “Un” in the title so the book read “Fit for Command.” The photo, an unflattering image of the candidate’s face, was replaced with a Vietnam-era picture of Kerry in uniform. The subtitle of the book, “Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out against John Kerry,” was not changed, and the rest of the book’s page appeared to be genuine.
According to a report on CNET, the image was repaired sometime this afternoon.
The correct book cover. |
In “Unfit for Command,” scheduled for release Aug. 15, John O’Neill, who took over Kerry’s swift-boat command, and co-author Jerome Corsi analyze several of Kerry’s claims about his service and Vietnam, most of which they say are untrue. The authors write that two of Kerry’s Purple Heart medals resulted from self-inflicted wounds and that a story the Democrat tells about being ordered to illegally enter Cambodia is false.
Related offer:
“Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry”
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