‘Unfit for Command’ author to sign books

By WND Staff

A Vietnam veterans group opposing Sen. John Kerry’s bid for the White House is featuring one of the authors of the blockbuster “Unfit for Command” at its fund-raising dinner next week.

The dinner, sponsored by Vietnam Vets for the Truth, is meant to raise money for a Washington, D.C., rally next month. The group says it represents a majority of veterans of the war who contend the Democratic nominee is unfit to be commander in chief.

Jerome Corsi, who co-authored “Unfit for Command” with John O’Neill, will be at the Tuesday fund-raiser signing copies of his book. In “Unfit for Command,” O’Neill and Corsi rebut many of the claims John Kerry has made about his service in Vietnam. The book is No. 1 on Amazon.com’s sales chart.

Earlier this year, Vietnam Vets for the Truth reported that a museum in Ho Chi Minh City, the former Saigon, honors Kerry as an anti-war activist with a photograph of him being greeted by the general secretary of the Communist Party, Comrade Do Muoi, in July 1993.

The dinner, open to veterans and Americans who share the group’s views on Kerry, will be held Aug. 17 at the Aquaturf Club in Plantsville, Conn. Reservation details can be found online. Tomorrow is the deadline for reservations.

Proceeds benefit the ‘Kerry Lied … While Good Men Died” rally Sept. 12 in Washington, D.C.

The keynote speaker at the fund-raiser is Miami attorney and former Florida state Sen. Dexter Lehtinen, a Vietnam veteran and the U.S. Attorney who convicted Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega. Also speaking will be Texas state Rep. Suzanna Hupp, who has been active in guaranteeing the right to bear arms in the Lone Star State.

Talk-show host Jim Vicevich, of WTIC radio in Hartford, Conn., will be master of ceremonies.

At its September rally, the group seeks to combat what it considers untruths the Democratic presidential candidate has spread about those who fought in the Vietnam War.

The rally of veterans and their families is planned for the west side of the Capitol.

Larry Bailey, a retired U.S. Navy SEAL captain with service in Vietnam, is the president or the organization.

“More than any other person, John Kerry is responsible for the false image of Vietnam veterans as dysfunctional misfits,” Bailey said in a statement. “Kerry betrayed all of us when he returned from Vietnam.

“A lot of good people opposed the war, but some, like John Kerry, went too far. He joined the radical left wing of the anti-war movement and shared the microphone with Jane Fonda and other radicals. He promoted himself by telling unforgivable lies about Vietnam servicemen and women, and he did this under oath.”

Kerry testified before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee in 1971, making horrific claims about alleged atrocities committed by American service members.

As WorldNetDaily reported, a group of Kerry’s colleagues from the war have joined forces as Swift Boat Veterans for Truth to denounce his fitness for the land’s highest office, charging that during the Vietnam conflict he was a “loose cannon.”

“The swift-boat guys are challenging Kerry’s fitness for office based on his lies and his Vietnam service,” commented Bailey, “and they are qualified to do that since they served with him. Our new VVT organization is not challenging Kerry’s Vietnam service. We are going to tell the good news stories about Vietnam vets at our rally and how America should have welcomed them home with pride and gratitude. We will contrast that truth with the lies told about them by John Kerry.”

In an open letter to Kerry, Bailey’s group tells the candidate: “You should have been our brother, Sen. Kerry, but when you returned from Vietnam you betrayed us. America does not yet understand the depth of that betrayal. We believe that before voters in this country have the opportunity to elect you to the office of commander in chief, they deserve to know the truth, and they deserve to hear some answers from you.”

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