If there was any doubt about whether or not the Log Cabin Republicans, or LCR, belong in the GOP’s “big tent,” it was resolved this week. They don’t.
LCR, which is trying to make the GOP safe for sodomy, first became conflicted when President Bush endorsed the Federal Marriage Amendment. They threw what amounted to a hissy fit, announcing that they weren’t sure they would back the president in November. Some Log Cabin leaders, such as District of Columbia City Councilman David Catania, even yanked photos of the president off the wall. Take that!
But the LCR outdid itself when, during the GOP convention, it unveiled a 30-second TV commercial that is right out of a textbook by radical, left-wing homosexual activists.
The ad begins with a clip of Ronald Reagan saying that he hoped that history would “record that I appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears.” Then the ad moves on to images of Jerry Falwell, Pat Buchanan and Rick Santorum, noting that these kinds of folks would divide “the GOP with an intolerant social agenda based on fear and exclusion.”
Finally, the ad wraps up with shots of the Rev. Fred Phelps holding a sign that says “God Hates Fags” at beating victim Matthew Shepard’s funeral.
In the 1989 book “After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the ’90s,” homosexual activists are advised to smear opponents two ways: “jamming” and “bracketing.”
According to authors Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen:
Jamming makes use of the rules of Associative Conditioning (the psychological process whereby, when two things are repeatedly juxtaposed, one’s feelings about one thing are transferred to the other) and Direct Emotional Modeling (the inborn tendency of human beings to feel what they perceive others to be feeling). … Thus, propagandistic advertisement can depict homophobic and homohating bigots as crude loudmouths and a–h—es.
To complete the conditioning, the authors explain:
In TV and print, images of victimizers can be combined with those of their gay victims by a method propagandists call the “bracket technique.” For example, for several seconds an unctuous beady-eyed Southern preacher is shown pounding the pulpit in rage against “those perverted, abominable creatures.” While his tirade continues over the soundtrack, the picture switches to heart-rending photos of badly beaten persons, or of gays who look decent, harmless and likable; and then we cut back to the poisonous face of the preacher.
For years, hard-left homosexual activist groups have used these techniques, and many prime-time television programs have employed milder versions, showing the “bigot” who believes in traditional values juxtaposed against the angelic homosexual.
In Log Cabin’s ad, legitimate figures such as Falwell, Buchanan and Santorum are thrown in with pathologically hateful Fred Phelps, a nobody who shows up with incomparable timing at “gay” funerals to provide an ugly caricature of Christians. It doesn’t matter that no respectable figure anywhere on the political spectrum endorses Phelps’ bizarre antics. Many conservatives, including me, have openly denounced Phelps’ tactics and his denial of the truth that homosexuals, like any other sinners (and that’s all of us), can repent, be forgiven and enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Well, even liberal CNN recognized a smear job when they saw it, and refused to run the Log Cabin ad. Log Cabin Executive Director Patrick Guerriero responded, “Last week we told the Republican Party that you cannot sugarcoat the vicious and mean-spirited platform, today we want CNN to know that you cannot sugarcoat the politics of fear and intolerance that lead to hate.”
Note: the “mean-spirited platform” supports a constitutional amendment protecting marriage as the union of one man and one woman.
Log Cabin isn’t the only radical group to play the Phelps card. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force has done so liberally, with a four-color mailer that shows a line-up of playing cards, with President Bush as the Joker, Pat Robertson as the Ace of Diamonds, Dr. James Dobson as the King of Hearts, Sen. Bill Frist as the Jack of Spades, and Vice President Dick Cheney as the Queen of Diamonds. Phelps, as the King of Diamonds, is slotted between Rep. Tom Delay (the King of Clubs) and political consultant Ralph Reed (Jack of Diamonds). Other cards depict Attorney General John Ashcroft, Sen. Trent Lott, Rep. Marilyn Musgrave, Eagle Forum President Phyllis Schlafly, Campaign for Working Families’ Gary Bauer, Jerry Falwell, Pat Buchanan and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
The Task Force proclaims that the answer to such bigotry is “millions of fair-minded Americans like you.”
Authors Kirk and Madsen summarize their approach this way:
- “Portray gays as victims, not as aggressive challengers.”
- “Give potential protectors a just cause.”
- “Make gays look good.”
- “Make victimizers look bad.”
The masks have come off, and they reveal that LCR is just part of the radical, leftist crusade to transform America into Sextopia, where marriage means nothing and children are taught that homosexuality, fornication, transgenderism and every other variant of sex is normal and healthy.
It’s time for the Republican Party to realize its mistake in giving Log Cabin any official recognition.
It’s one thing for individuals to join a party. It’s quite another to give credibility to a group that promotes the polar opposite of the GOP’s bedrock support for family values.
Robert Knight is director of the Culture and Family Institute, an affiliate of Concerned Women for America.
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