Muslims back off
Muslims-only day

By Aaron Klein

An Islamic group is backing off its boast of a Muslims-only day at a popular theme park, just hours after WND brought to light plans for the “Great Muslim Adventure Day.”

The article prompted numerous responses from WND readers who informed Six Flags they would stop attending its amusement parks.

The Muslim Youth Division of the Islamic Circle of North America and the Muslim American Society, two of the largest Muslim organizations in America, had said they arranged exclusive use of Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, N.J., for the entire day Friday. The ICNA website declared, “First Time Ever – All Day – Entire Park Exclusively for Muslims!”

Debbie Nauser, vice president of public relations for the Six Flags theme park, confirmed yesterday to WorldNetDaily the park would be open only for “Muslims and their friends.”

Six Flags has hosted other event days, including an annual Passover theme in which the park is predominantly filled with Orthodox Jews, but the venue remains open to outsiders and seasonal ticket holders, and organizers of previous events never have claimed exclusive use of the park.

But following the WND story, the ICNA website removed all references to exclusive use of the park, and Nauser said the park would not be used exclusively by the Muslim groups.

The original ICNA invitation said the event is designed to “provide entertainment for the entire family! Imam Zaid Shakir will lead the Friday afternoon prayers at 2 p.m., the comedy routine ‘Allah Made Me Funny’ will show twice, Comedian Azhar Usman will perform, and ‘Alhamdulillah,’ the entire park is reserved for Muslims only!”

The organization expected more than 10,000 Muslims.

WND informed Nauser it recently attended an ICNA-sponsored event featuring a main speaker who voiced empathy and support for suicide bombers, denied Muslims were involved in 9-11, characterized the war on terror as a conspiratorial Zionist plot designed to destroy Islam and Muslims and blamed attacks on affirmative action on “the rise of the Jewish cracker.” Also, she was told Judicial Watch charges ICNA has ties to Hamas.

But Nauser told WND that before Six Flags booked the group, they received an okay from the local FBI.

Militant Islam Monitor relates that ICNA held a conference at Liberty Bell Park in Philadelphia intended to provide Muslims with “ammunition” for Da’was (spreading of Islam) and urged women to avoid the “glamorous” and “independent” life in North America.

One month before 9-11, the Muslim Youth group opened a “Jihad Camp,” which was intended to “educate the youth and provide them with a proper understanding of Jihad.”

The cost of the camp was $200, which included transportation, food and accommodations. Attendees were asked to sign a waiver form and were reportedly told, “Many knowledgeable people will come and teach us. Many important lessons await.”

In 2000, Muslim Youth leader Tayabb Yunus urged parents at an ICNA conference to “send your children to fight Jihad in Chechyna.”

WorldNetDaily received a flurry of e-mails from readers who said they called Six Flags to cancel their season passes or to say they’d stop going to the amusement park.

Reader Don Terry wrote, “I did in fact contact Debbie Nauser. I informed her that although I’d visited the Vallejo park many times over the years, I wouldn’t be returning, ever. She basically said she didn’t care.”

Reader Austin Travis wrote, “It is wrong to even do business with a ‘terrorist’ supporting group … . All business entities in America should never do business with any organization that supports terrorism. This means every business needs to get busy knowing which ones are this way. I think these theme park people at ‘Six Flags of America’ are actually bringing reproach upon the 6 flags that they represent!”

A company in Virginia Beach, Va., Motorbyte LLC, told WND it contacted Six Flags to return 30 corporate season passes.

Related story:

Great Adventure’s
Muslims-only day

Aaron Klein

Aaron Klein is WND's senior staff writer and Jerusalem bureau chief. He also hosts "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio" on Salem Talk Radio. Follow Aaron on Twitter and Facebook. Read more of Aaron Klein's articles here.