Twice in three days, Palestinian television has shown religious leaders calling for the mass killing of Jews.
Both clerics said such a slaughter is a necessary stage in history and must be carried out quickly, reported Palestinian Media Watch. Each cited the same Hadith, Islamic tradition attributed to Muhammad.
Palestinian leaders traditionally have taught that the following Hadith applies today:
The Hour [Resurrection] will not take place until the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them. And the Jews will hide behind the rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, this is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!
Says Palestinian Media Watch: “This teaching may well be a dominant motivating factor that drives terror against Israeli civilians, because it presents the killing of Jews as a religious obligation, not related to the conflict over borders, but as something inherent to Allah’s world.”
Sheik Ibrahim Madiras’ sermon of last Friday was broadcast the same day on PA TV.
Madiras declared, “The Prophet said: The Resurrection will not take place until the Muslims fight the Jews, and the Muslims kill them. The Muslims will kill the Jews, rejoice [in it], rejoice in Allah’s Victory. The Muslims will kill the Jews, and he will hide.
“The Prophet said: The Jews will hide behind the rock and tree, and the rock and tree will say: oh servant of Allah, oh Muslim this is a Jew behind me, come and kill him! Why is there this malice? Because there are none who love the Jews on the face of the earth: not man, not rock and not tree; everything hates them. They destroy everything – they destroy the trees and destroy the houses. Everything wants vengeance on the Jews, on these pigs on the face of the earth, and the day of our victory, Allah willing, will come.”
Two days later, on Sept. 12, Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim Maadi made the following comment on his weekly television show:
“We are waging this cruel war with the brothers of the monkeys and pigs, the Jews and the sons of Zion. The Jews will fight you and you will subjugate them. Until the Jew will stand behind the tree and rock. And the tree and rock will say: oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him!”
The reference to monkeys and pigs is from a story in the Quran that claims Jews were cursed by Allah and turned into monkeys and pigs.
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