Iran poses unique danger

By Hal Lindsey

We are witnessing what should be a familiar “dance of deception” that has been used by every rogue power in its pursuit of nuclear weapons.

First, the rogue nation will claim it needs nuclear reactors for peaceful production of energy. In the case of Iran, which is awash with oil, it is hard to claim this with a straight face.

Second, there is the clandestine hiring of foreign experts to help with the project – usually this is kept secret as long as possible.

Third, there is the attempted secret building of uranium enrichment facilities.

Fourth, once this is discovered, there is the stalling and stonewalling of the International Atomic Energy Agency. The rogue nation finally allows only limited, controlled inspections of its facilities. And then there is the usual hand wringing of Western nations as they attempt to rein in the rogue nation with diplomacy, threats of economic sanctions and bribes.

All the while the rogue nation secretly continues at top speed to finish the facilities needed to make the bomb, while vociferously denying it has any intention of building an atomic bomb.

This did not work in Pakistan. It did not work in North Korea. It was not working in Libya until the rapid U.S. military victory over Iraq caused Moammar Gadhafi to realize it could happen to him. And it certainly is not going to work in Iran.

Iran put the acquisition of nuclear weapons on the fast track in February of 1991. At that time, the Mad Mullahs in charge hired some 273 world-class nuclear scientists from Russia to come and help them with their program. They have since had the added help of North Korea and China. Not to mention the clandestine purchase of crucial equipment from the Western black market and financing by European investment capital.

But the real point to grasp is that Iran poses a unique danger. The particular mind-set of the Shiite Ayatollahs should send a chill down everyone’s spine. Their particular brand of Muslim thinking involves a heavy emphasis on the glory of dying for Allah in the cause of destroying His enemies.

The following threat should be taken seriously. Acting Revolutionary Guards Commander Gen. Mohammad Baqer Zolqadr warned, “If Israel fires one missile at Booshehr atomic power plant, it should permanently forget about Dimona nuclear centre, where it produces and keeps its nuclear weapons, and Israel would be responsible for the terrifying consequence of this move.” This infers that Iran already has at least a few deliverable atomic bombs.

The greatest diplomatic mistake of modern times is when Jimmy Carter-led-America stood by and let the Ayatollah Khomeini drive out the Shah so that he could return from exile and take Iran in a headlong fundamentalist charge back to the Quran-glorified 7th-century culture of the Arabian Peninsula.

This is what started the modern worldwide Muslim fundamentalist revival that threatens the entire Western world today. Virtually all terrorism in the world today comes from the offsprings of the ayatollah’s inspiration.

The prospect of these fanatical Muslim fundamentalist zealots possessing nuclear-tipped ballistic missiles should frighten the entire Western world. It should drive us into immediate action to prevent it at any costs.

This time bomb is already ticking and the window of opportunity to stop it is quickly closing.

Not one of the rogue nations bent upon obtaining nuclear weapons has been stopped by diplomacy and threats of economic sanctions. The Clinton administration tried paying North Korea not to continue its uranium enrichment program. It did not work.

The leader of North Korea is a pussycat compared to the religious driven ayatollahs of Iran. It is time to act now. I believe the alternative is to see hundreds of thousands vaporize in an atomic cloud.

Hal Lindsey

Hal Lindsey is the best-selling non-fiction writer alive today. Among his 20 books are "Late Great Planet Earth," his follow-up on that explosive best-seller, "Planet Earth: The Final Chapter" and "Everlasting Hatred: The Roots of Jihad." See his website The Hal Lindsey Report. Read more of Hal Lindsey's articles here.