New TV adfeatures defeated soldier

By WND Staff

Moveon PAC, the political action committee tied to, launched a new ad depicting a defeated U.S. soldier in Iraq sinking in a “quagmire.”

Bush-Cheney campaign Chairman Gov. Marc Racicot responded today, calling on Sen. John Kerry to have it removed.

“When John Kerry speaks before the National Guard today, he should apologize for the actions of his surrogates and demand that they take down their ad depicting a defeated American soldier,” Racicot said.

“John Kerry’s campaign is rooted in the past, hollow with pessimism, and preaching defeat to the American people,” the chairman continued.

The ad’s script reads:

NARRATOR: “George Bush misled us into war with Iraq, sending poorly equipped soldiers into battle. He said ‘Mission Accomplished,’ yet almost every day more soldiers die.”

CHYRON: “Over 1,000 U.S. Soldiers Killed”

NARRATOR: “Going it alone, George Bush has spent $150 billion dollars, money we need for schools and health care.”

CHYRON: “$150 Billion”

NARRATOR: “Now, facing a growing insurgency, he has no real plan to end the war. George Bush got us into this quagmire. It will take a new president to get us out. MoveOn PAC is responsible for the content of this advertisement.”

CHYRON: “Quagmire”

Kerry has called on President Bush to denounce ads run by Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the soft-money, or 527, group challenging the Massachusetts senator’s actions in Vietnam and after the war.

Bush has issued only a blanket criticism, calling for all 527 ads to be quashed.

Racicot said today, “John Kerry’s continually shifting positions on Iraq and his sinking rhetoric of a defeated America send a signal to our allies and our enemies that America is not willing to finish the job.”

“This attitude undermines the great progress that the men and women in America’s armed forces have made in the fight against terror around the world,” said Racicot. “America expects more from one who aspires to the position of commander in chief.”