A challenge to Michelle Malkin

By Vox Day

Dear Mrs. Malkin,

As you may know, I am rather underwhelmed by your defense of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s executive order to intern and relocate over 100,000 American citizens and resident aliens of Japanese descent. For, as I believe I have demonstrated in this column and on my blog, there was, in fact, no genuine military necessity whatsoever and this was known by the American military authorities at the time.

Two weeks ago, I asked you to admit that your assertion of military necessity was mistaken and to retract the erroneous conclusions of your book, “In Defense of Internment.” You refused and claimed that I was “bitter and uninformed.” I then sent you a list of 10 specific and simple questions, to which you declined to respond.

So, you can understand that I was delighted to read your column last week, when you wrote:

The wall between the self-anointed press protectorate and the unwashed masses has crumbled … Rather and his geriatric empire are combating these powerfully persuasive blogs with anemic smears and sneers. And they are losing so very, very badly that they can’t keep on top of their own spin.

I am sure you would agree that Mr. Rather’s refusal to answer the specific challenges posed to his specious assertions have badly damaged his credibility and reputation. And, as you so wisely said, with “publishing freedom comes a tall glass of responsibility. For serious blogging pundits and news-gatherers and discussion board operators, cyber-cred is everything.”

In the interest of allowing you to maintain your credibility, then, I would like to invite you to defend your case for the military necessity for internment on the Northern Alliance Radio Show in a one-hour debate moderated by the gentlemen from the Fraters Libertas and SCSU Scholars blogs. This is an environment which you know is well-disposed toward you, as you appeared there to talk about your book only last month, on Aug. 21.

I understand that after your unpleasant confrontation with the ill-mannered Chris Matthews you might be reluctant to subject yourself to an acrimonious shoutfest. Therefore, in order to cultivate a more civilized debate, I propose a format wherein each person will make a brief statement, followed by five questions to which the other individual will provide short, specific and unevasive answers. After both parties have had the chance to ask five questions of the other, the moderators will ask three questions of the party of their choice, and then the process will repeat itself. This will allow for a fair and substantive discussion of the relevant issues, unlike those often heard on talk radio and the cable news shows.

The Northern Alliance Radio Show has cleared its schedule for Saturday, Sept. 25, but in the event that you are already committed to previous obligations, they, and I, remain at your disposal and will be happy to reschedule in favor of a date more convenient for you.

If I am as uninformed as you claim, no doubt you will easily be able to explain to both me and the moderators the need to intern the ethnic Japanese in order to prevent the “attack, invasion, spot raids, sabotage and surveillance” that imperiled the United States from 1942 to 1944. Should you be able to so enlighten me, I will not hesitate to publicly retract my statements about the worthless nature of your book and your total ignorance of military history.

If, on the other hand, I am able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of all that your assertions are incorrect and your conclusions are therefore fatally flawed, I am confident you will wish to correct the record as soon as possible, as would any intellectually honest individual with regard for her continuing credibility.

I await your acceptance with great anticipation.


Vox Day

Vox Day

Vox Day is a Christian libertarian and author of "The Return of the Great Depression" and "The Irrational Atheist." He is a member of the SFWA, Mensa and IGDA, and has been down with Madden since 1992. Visit his blog, Vox Popoli. Read more of Vox Day's articles here.