WND, Time blamed
for ‘hate crimes’

By WND Staff

Backers of the creation of an independent, Spanish-speaking state in the American Southwest accuse WorldNetDaily, Time magazine, Jews, Rep. Tom Tancredo of Colorado and others of fanning the flames of anti-Mexican hate that has turned to violence and murder.

That’s the accusation of Ernesto Cienfuegos of La Voz de Aztlan, the Voice of Aztlan.

In a story published on the website yesterday, La Voz de Aztlan claimed credit for getting Mexican President Vicente Fox to call for an investigation of the deaths of 10 Mexican immigrants in a Columbus, Ohio, apartment fire as a possible hate crime.

“Anti-Mexican attacks in the USA are on the increase,” said the report.

It blamed Glenn Spencer of the American Border Patrol organization, Chris Simcox of the Arizona Tombstone group and the Jewish Defense League.

“Anti-Mexican and anti-immigrant propaganda resulting in racial attacks against Mexican immigrants is not exclusively being disseminated by fringe vigilante groups,” claimed the report. “Recently, Congressman Tom Tomcredo of Colorado has used his office to rage against what he calls an invasion of illegal aliens from Mexico. News media such as Joseph Farah’s WorldNetDaily are also fanning the flames of bigotry by constantly harping, in their news coverage, about the Mexican re-conquest of the Southwest. Some days ago even Time magazine joined in raising ‘red flags’ against Mexican immigration.

“What these bigots do not know is that they may be ‘opening the gates of hell’ that will ‘unleash the rabid dogs of racial hatred.’ If this ever happens, it will cost all sides concerned dearly.”

The article went on to warn of the possibility of a race war.

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