See the B.S.?

By Craige McMillan

“How this went so horribly wrong is hard to understand.”

– Jeff Fager, CBS producer

Oh, is it really, Mr. Fager? Of course, a lot depends on what the meaning of the word “wrong” is, doesn’t it? By “wrong” do you mean how CBS’ heretofore high journalistic standards were – unbeknownst to the staff and management, of course, and only this one time – circumvented by Mary Mapes and her merry band of feminists?

By “wrong” do you mean that – horror of horrors – CBS got caught doing the Democratic Party’s dirty work, just a few weeks before the presidential election? Maybe you mean that it was “wrong” to break the law by broadcasting forged documents over the public airwaves? Do you mean that lying to up your ratings is wrong? Is it character assassination that is somehow “wrong”? Or maybe it’s giving aid and comfort to the enemy during time of war that is “horribly wrong”?

On the other hand a lot of us don’t find it hard to understand how things went “horribly wrong” at all, Mr. Fager. Many of us have known and written for years that the mainlining media is nothing more than a cesspool filled with Democratic-socialist-communist activists who have been abusing the taxpayer and the democratic process since the day they entered journalism school.

They are ignorant, foul-minded liars who couldn’t care less about reporting the “truth” because in their tiny little postmodern minds truth does not exist. What brain matter they do have is consumed to overflowing by making life ever more comfortable for homosexuals, abortionists, illegal aliens, drug dealers, murderers, rapists and the rest of the left’s constituency.

Yes, the mainlining media’s reporters and producers see Islamists sawing off the heads of truck drivers and aid workers, and from this they conclude that Christianity and the state of Israel are the greatest threats to world peace. They televise the Islamic slaughter of an entire school full of children in Russia and announce that this mass murder was caused by the Russian police.

They can’t be bothered to investigate John Kerry’s military records (a journalistic variation of “don’t ask, don’t tell”) but they have no difficulty in manufacturing fraudulent Bush military records to support their leftist fantasies. They demand a full accounting of every candidate’s tax returns, except of course the billionaire wife of the Democratic candidate who hides her money in private foundations, files amended returns, and doesn’t know what taxes are. They demand that the rest of us pay our “fair share” to support the collateral damage from their leftist bombing runs on American culture over the past 50 years.

What happened, Mr. Fager, is that you loaded up on leftist ideologues intent on shoving their alleged values down America’s throat using the free public airwaves. Much like Jayson Blair at the New York Times, every story that Mary Mapes worked on while she was at CBS now needs to be reinvestigated, her sources contacted, their statements verified and the accuracy and balance of her pieces reassessed.

You can start with the Abu-Ghraib prison story, which has always struck me as just a little too picture perfect. My guess is that well before you’re finished, CBS will be able to set up the first “Reporter’s Reality TV Show” and serialize it to handle corrections and apologies. Perhaps the show could chronicle the lives Ms. Mapes has ruined in peddling her feminist agenda.

It’s time to face facts – those are actual events, Mr. Fager – and stop referring to this as a media debacle. Ms. Mapes and Mr. Rather were simply caught with their fingers in the public airwave’s cookie jar, attempting to influence an upcoming presidential election, through presenting manufactured documents they thought would hurt a Republican president and benefit his Democratic challenger.

Ms. Mapes, Mr. Rather, and very likely yourself are no different than the Worldcom or Enron executives caught looting their corporations of millions while defrauding shareholders and employees of their retirement. Like them, you and your ilk have tried to defraud America of her future. And like them, Mr. Fager, you’re about to learn that the public’s airwaves are no longer a free electioneering vehicle for your leftist joyrides, leaving the rest of us to pick up the bill.

Craige McMillan

Craige McMillan is a longtime commentator for WND. Read more of Craige McMillan's articles here.