Kerry pushes ‘GLBT’ bumper stickers

By WND Staff

Sen. John Kerry’s presidential campaign offers “GLBT” bumper stickers, a demonstration of his support for “gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered” activism.

The item can be purchased on the campaign website for $2.

As WND reported, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Policy Institute has declared the Edwards-Kerry presidential ticket the most “gay-supportive” in the history of the U.S.

The campaign website boasts Kerry has a 100 percent rating from the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest homosexual-rights group.

“John Kerry and John Edwards will work to support civil unions, prevent hate crimes, end discrimination, increase HIV/AIDS funding, and will protect Gay and Lesbian families,” the website says.

The campaign also features the Democratic National Committee’s “Pride at the Polls” program, which recruits volunteers nationwide to help register millions of homosexual voters.

The aims are to:

  • Distribute literature and talk to voters about why Senator John Kerry and Democrats will make America a better place for the GLBT community and why the GLBT community cannot survive another four years of George W. Bush.
  • Educate, register, and turn out millions of GLBT receptive voters.
  • Be a part of a program that will make the difference in close elections all across the nation.
  • Make our community proud!
  • Have a great time, make new friends and get a nice tan!

One of Kerry’s priorities, according to the site, is “protecting gay and lesbian families.”

“John Kerry believes that same-sex couples should be granted rights, including access to pensions, health insurance, family medical leave, bereavement leave, hospital visitation, survivor benefits, and other basic legal protections that all families and children need,” the site proclaims. “He has supported legislation to provide domestic partners of federal employees the benefits available to spouses of federal employees. He was one of 14 senators – and the only one up for re-election in 1996 – to oppose the Defense of Marriage Act.”

WND reported last month Kerry was caught in two apparent flip-flops on same-sex marriage in an interview with a homosexual magazine.

Confronted with his previous statement of support for Missouri’s ban on same-sex marriage, the Democratic presidential candidate told Between the Lines magazine his position was based on the assumption the measure, passed in August by 71 percent, also barred civil unions.

But that amendment, in fact, does not address Vermont-style civil unions at all.

The interviewer, Lisa Keen, noted in the text that it was only after the Sept. 9 conversation with Kerry that she learned the Missouri initiative does not explicitly ban civil unions, unlike measures in Michigan and Ohio.

Also, in his attempt to dismiss the necessity of the Federal Marriage Amendment, Kerry contradicted a previous assertion about states rights. On the previous occasion, in 1996, he used the opposite interpretation of the Constitution to disparage the Defense of Marriage Act.

Related stories:

John Kerry flip-flops on same-sex marriage

Kerry-Edwards most ‘gay’-friendly ticket