Kerry can pontificate, but not hide

By Mychal Massie

I believe one thing Democrat presidential candidate John Kerry, D-Mass., doesn’t understand is that the enemy and those in the world who disrespect/ hate President Bush, ultimately disrespect and hate him also.

It’s easy for the contender to cast aspersions, speak in half-truths and change positions while claiming to have all the answers. The contender doesn’t have to worry about brash statements and “estrogen-filled” bravado. The president cannot afford to be wrong or show weakness.

Common sense dictates that the president, because he is president, is not at liberty to reveal all he knows, all that is being planned or even all that has been secretly accomplished.

The leader, in this case the president, must always be presidential. Opposing fans can hurl insults at the players of visiting teams, but it is incumbent on those players to have thick skins.

I find it disingenuous at best that Kerry could not find a single example of what President Bush has done right pursuant to the war. Thus said, it is the Monday morning quarterback/ coach, who has never had to make game-time decisions, that knows best what plays would have worked in the big game.

This writer believes it is precisely because of the president’s resolve that we have not experienced another terrorist attack on U.S. soil. I happen to believe that with all that must still be accomplished, this administration has done much and is to be commended for keeping America safe thus far.

Kerry’s stated plan for all things war related was to convene a conference, go to the United Nations and somehow convince the French, Germans and Russians to play ball. Lost in all of his “I know better” attitude were the facts, especially that these countries have billions of reasons (dollars) not to sit around the conference table singing “Kum bay yah” with the “John’s” (Kerry and Edwards). This war has cost them dearly in lost revenues from their clandestine (and illegal) backdoor “oil for food” scam.

Unmentioned also by the contender is the fact that Germany opposes sending troops to Iraq under any circumstances. And the French have no plans to send troops “now or later,” so says their foreign minister.

Like it or not, Kerry must understand there are times that bullets, bombs and American blood must replace talk and meeting schedules. He must also understand that America does not answer to the French, Germans, Russians or United Nations.

Kerry’s Garrison-Keeler-esque response to the very real terror that stalks the world reveals a shortcoming that truly does make him “unfit for command.”

The president appeared tired and frustrated, not unlike the parent of a rebellious child who presumes to have all the answers. But for all of my many criticisms of President Bush, not understanding the war has never been one of them. I find it meritless at this point in time, for Kerry to attack him as having exercised poor judgment regarding the war effort.

Saddam Hussein had 12 years and 17 resolutions to comply. Kerry himself has repeatedly called Hussein a threat to the United States. Kerry himself has repeatedly said Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. And while he had access to the same intelligence reports as the president, prior to going to war, it is more than likely he didn’t see them.

He probably didn’t see them because official records show that Kerry was not present for 77.6 percent of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s public hearing during the eight years he was on the committee. His attendance at closed-door meetings did not prove to be any better. This fact alone – in a time that the security of America is threatened as never before – renders Kerry as unfit.

One can only question what so important to contender Kerry that it necessitated his abysmal record of attendance on matters pertaining to America’s national security.

The president may not have been on his “best game” during this first of three debates, but, unlike Kerry, President Bush has reported for duty – every day.

The contender can pontificate, but he can’t hide from his record. A contender can and usually does talk a good game, but it isn’t talk we are concerned about – it is our national security.

Mychal Massie

Mychal Massie is founder and chairman of the Racial Policy Center (, a conservative think tank that advocates for a colorblind society. He was recognized as the 2008 Conservative Man of the Year by the Conservative Party of Suffolk County, New York. He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. Massie has appeared on cable news and talk-radio programming worldwide. He is also the founder and publisher of The Daily Rant: His latest book is "I Feel the Presence of the Lord." Read more of Mychal Massie's articles here.