Pro-lifers will be encouraged to read Planned Parenthood’s colorfully titled, “Report on the Administration and Congress, The War on Women: A Pernicious Web, A Chronology of Attacks on Reproductive Rights,” which chronicles President Bush’s efforts to curtail abortion in the United States and globally.
“War” is a proper word choice. Yes, this would be another of the Bush administration’s strikes against terrorism.
Saddam cut off hands; abortionists cut off arms. Islamic terrorists behead; abortionists decapitate. Chechen terrorists shot Beslan children in the back with bullets; abortionists shoot babies in the heart with digoxin. John Kerry burned villages with fire; abortionists burn babies with saline.
A few pro-lifers say President Bush is not pro-life “enough,” or worse, not pro-life at all. They should read PP’s report and count their 113 blessings – that many more than if Gore were president.
Of course, PP’s intent is not to encourage us, but to alarm fellow abortion profiteers to fight baby tooth and fingernail to keep their money train full of dead babies chugging full speed ahead. Hmmm. Nazis liked trains, too.
Pro-aborts will accept nothing less than absolute sovereignty to abort throughout all nine months of pregnancy – in abortion clinics that are less regulated than animal clinics – after mothers have signed blank informed-consent forms.
Any threats to that will cause shrieks, lawsuits and calls to Dan Rather and the New York Times to launch a smear campaign.
Reading PP’s complaints against Bush requires skill in the dead language of Abortion Distortion. Fortunately, I am fluent and can translate:
For instance, PP’s 36th reason to hate Bush is: “Extreme anti-choice zealot John Ashcroft proposed for U.S. attorney general (Dec. 22, 2000).”
Translation: “Anyone professing to be a pro-life Christian is disqualified from participating in any aspect of government. They repulse us like garlic repulses Dracula, like water repulses the Wicked Witch of the West.”
Are you catching on?
Reasons to Hate Bush Nos. 1, 5, 6, 9, 14, 19, 37, 41, 44, 75-86, 90, 95, and 97 include similar rants about Bush’s “anti-choice,” “anti-condom,” “anti-civil rights,” or dreaded “abstinence-only” appointments or nominees.
These are: Tommy Thompson to head HHS; John Klink to oversee the U.S. global population program; Patricia Funderburk Ware to head the Presidential Advisery Council on HIV-AIDS; Louise Oliver, appointed as special assistant at the U.S. State Dept. Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration; Dr. Freda McKissic, appointed to the CDC Advisery Committee on HIV and STD Prevention; Dr. Alma Golden to oversee Title X; and Priscilla Owens, Michael McConnell, Dennis Shedd, Lavenski Smith, Carolyn Kuhl, D. Brooks Smith, Charles Pickering, Miguel Estrada, William Pryor, and James Leon Holmes as federal judicial nominees.
The number of Bush-appointed friendlies is actually much greater than PP indicated. Perhaps PP didn’t want to deflate its hooded troops too much.
Reason to hate Bush No. 42 is, “HHS Secretary Tommy Thompson announces new rules making fetuses, but not pregnant women, eligible for prenatal care in the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) (March 5, 2002).”
This translation is tricky, because more was unsaid than said. Here goes:
“Ooowee, this was a biggie. HHS expanded its health coverage of children from low-income families to include preborn babies, so their mothers can get prenatal care. To do so, HHS redefined children as existing ‘from conception through birth up to age 19.’
“This rule change darn near froze the cold blood running through our veins, because it clearly poses a danger to Roe v. Wade. We pray to the dark side no one will connect this to Supreme Court Justice Blackmun’s ominous statement in his majority opinion that legalized abortion:
The appellee … argue that the fetus is a “person” within the language and meaning of the 14th Amendment … If this suggestion of personhood is established, the appellant’s case, of course, collapses, for the fetus’ right to life would then be guaranteed specifically by the Amendment.
“As you might expect, our first inclination was to scream like banshees when HHS gave health benefits to intrauterine blobs of cells. This is what we usually do to frighten limp-appendaged politicians into seeing things our way. But we pragmatically muzzled ourselves.
“Our second inclination was to file a lawsuit against HHS, but we had no cause of action. We couldn’t produce a plaintiff harmed by this regulation.
“Thus, we can’t do anything about this one. This sort of problem is surfacing more often lately. Quick! Where’s the muzzle? We feel a shriek coming on!”
Whew! That was a toughie to translate. But rewarding.
Just remember, PP’s list of complaints will come to a dead halt if President Bush is not re-elected.