Employees of CBS and NBC have given overwhelmingly more money in political contributions to Democrats and left-wing organizations than to Republicans, public data reveal.
Those donors tied to the Fox News Channel appeared to demonstrate the networks “Fair and Balanced” slogan to a greater extent, although the company’s employees also gave considerably more money to Democrats.
According to information on the website opensecrets.com, 2004 election cycle donations from employees of CBS – which has been embroiled in a scandal over the use of fake National Guard documents to call President Bush’s service into question – went to the DNC Services Corp., presidential candidates Dennis Kucinich, John Kerry and Richard Gephardt, and Senate candidates Barabara Boxer and Barack Obama, among others. Of over $111,000 given by network employees, just two $1,000 contributions went to President Bush’s re-election campaign.
NBC’s records were similar. Employees of the network spread their money a bit wider, including gifts to Sens. Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., and Christopher Dodd, D-Conn. The list of employees included producers, attorneys on-air hosts, writers and executives. NBC’s contributions totaled $146,585, none of which went to Bush.
Totaling $25,383, a search of Fox News’ contributions turned up donations to Bush and the National Republican Senatorial Committee, along with contributions to Howard Dean and the left-wing Emily’s List. Kerry, Gephardt and Wesley Clark also showed up on the list. Of the $25,383 total, $4,930 went to Republicans candidates or committees.
A political action committee run by Fox chief Rupert Murdoch called News America Holdings also raked in some cash from cable network employees.
Data gleaned from network and major newspaper personnel has long shown that media employees favor Democratic candidates and causes.