Supporters of traditional marriage from around the country will gather for a rally Friday on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., to bolster efforts around the country to prevent legalized same-sex matrimony.
The event is being sponsored by Mayday for Marriage, which describes itself as a coalition of “pastors, civic leaders and citizens throughout the United States that desire to see the traditional definition of marriage upheld.”
The rally, which is scheduled from 12 noon to 3 p.m. Eastern time Friday, will feature Dr. James Dobson, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Chuck Colson, Dr. Richard Land of the Southern Baptist Convention and U.S. Senate candidate Alan Keyes, among others.
“I look forward to participating in this important event, and I trust it will elicit an enthusiastic response – one that will send an unmistakable message to Capitol Hill!” Dobson stated on the group’s website.
Added Colson: “I think every serious Christian in America ought to get themselves to the Mall. A great demonstration could spell the difference in saving marriage and the family.”
The D.C. rally was inspired by a similar event held in May at Safeco Field in Seattle, Wash., where over 20,000 gathered to show their support for traditional marriage.
“Marriage has been the foundation and center pole of healthy families for centuries,” the group states. “Changing the definition and in turn the make-up of the family will put the future health of our society at risk. Mayday for Marriage is a biblically based movement, and the Bible is clear in establishing marriage as the union between one man and one woman. Even outside the Christian community world religions such as Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism also recognize marriage as between a man and a woman.”