You bet there’s still racism

By Mychal Massie

I have known for a long time that racism is alive and well and flourishing in America. I personally know blacks that are referred to in ways that would make the most reprobate blush.

Recently a gentleman who informed me he worked on Wall Street viciously assailed me, as did a professional from Texas, because I speak grammatically correct English. Within the past year, I was publicly called varying forms of n-i-g-g-e-r as other men and women chided me while making no attempt to come to my aid.

But it wasn’t by white Americans; it was by other black Americans – black Americans who are supported and encouraged by socialistic liberal elites, other blacks who trade in blood and ignorance, and by corporate America.

When Jesse Jackson, the NAACP, Julian Bond, Julianne Malveaux, the Congressional Black Caucus, TV and radio personalities and entertainers vilify other blacks because they dare turn away from the crippling lies that imprison millions on debilitating ideological plantations of marginalized subgroups – that is racism.

When liberal elitists sit silent, thereby lending their passive support – as respectable, educated men and women are publicly humiliated because as blacks they dare aspire to more than hooded sweatshirts, gold chains, low riders and pants hanging from their behinds – that is the most unambiguous form of racism. They are in effect saying, “Behave immorally, act like trash and we’ll support you; act respectable and you’re an uppity “N” that needs to be put in their place” – though they would argue to the contrary.

It is election time and none are better at playing the race card with a straight-faced pious look than socialist liberal elites, of whom Democratic National Committee Chairperson Terry McAuliffe and Sens. John Kerry, D-Mass., and John Edwards, D-N.C., are among the best.

In the vice-presidential debate, John Edwards opined how bad it is for blacks under President Bush, and how much more he and Kerry care. But consider the following.

Margaret Sanger, the sacred mother of Planned Parenthood openly called for the extermination of blacks. So for white liberal elites to support the No. 1 killer of blacks in the United States today, i.e., abortion, they are continuing her racist euthanistic vision for blacks. I submit that to support the systematic daily murder of black unborn children is the cruelest form of racism. I would ask: How do these values support the future of the black family?

As the “John’s” are fond of pointing out, blacks and Hispanics may be listed as unemployed, but there is more to the story.

An example of what could certainly be tens of thousands is a “minority” business owner I know who owns a flourishing business. He has several employees and wants to hire more. Yet he is listed as one of the downtrodden by national statistics. Why? Because his business technically does not exist. He has no business permits, he pays no taxes, no benefits for his employees, he has no insurances and he is not registered to vote. His entire business from which he derives a handsome income is under the table.

I can without exaggeration point to dozens of minorities I have personally met and know who are deriving tremendous incomes from businesses that do not exist in the national statistics. To blame the president for their statistical omission is to incite a racial divide.

Kerry and Edwards attack the president as being responsible for blacks performing poorly in the classroom. They say Bush isn’t providing enough money to black inner-city schools and the states in which they reside. The inferred message being: “He doesn’t care about you because you’re black.”

Yet the Chicago Public Schools Campaign gave over $1million to the United Negro College Fund. The Board of Education of the City of Detroit, Columbus, Ohio public schools, and Los Angeles Unified School District gave upward of $1million to the same fund in fiscal 2003. Would not this money be better spent by these school districts by investing in their own failing schools so their children can read and write when they get to college?

In my mind, the greatest enabler of social racism is corporate America. Without the mega paydays donated by corporate America, many race hustlers would be forced to find other forms of endeavor, as would many politicians. Now that’s the kind of fiscal responsibility America needs in order to have a chance of being “united.”

Mychal Massie

Mychal Massie is founder and chairman of the Racial Policy Center (, a conservative think tank that advocates for a colorblind society. He was recognized as the 2008 Conservative Man of the Year by the Conservative Party of Suffolk County, New York. He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. Massie has appeared on cable news and talk-radio programming worldwide. He is also the founder and publisher of The Daily Rant: His latest book is "I Feel the Presence of the Lord." Read more of Mychal Massie's articles here.