The producers of a pro-Kerry documentary about the candidate’s time in Vietnam has challenged the Sinclair Broadcast Group to air their film, “Going Upriver: The Long War of John Kerry,” alongside the anti-Kerry film Stolen Honor: Wounds that Never Heal.”
As WorldNetDaily reported, Sinclair plans to interrupt regular programming to air “Stolen Honor” on its 62 television stations, which cover about 24 percent of U.S. households.
Democrats have fiercely opposed the move, and FCC Commissioner Michael J. Copps criticized Sinclair’s plan, saying it is an “abuse of the public trust.”
“We will provide any media representative with a copy of ‘Going Upriver’ and challenge any reporter to compare the two films for historical accuracy and journalistic standards,” said Bill Samuels, an executive producer of the film, in a statement.
“What Sinclair is trying to do is masquerade an unsubstantiated character assassination as fair and balanced programming,” said Vin Roberti, executive producer and chairman of Palisades Pictures. “Carleton Sherwood can run with the distorted facts but he can’t hide from the truth.”
Sherwood is the maker of “Stolen Honor.” He predicted after the film is aired, Kerry likely will issue an apology for his 1971 war-crimes accusations against U.S. soldiers.
Even so, Sherwood told WND, “What he did was so reprehensible, so disgraceful, an apology isn’t going to get it done. It’s unprecedented in our history what he did. I can’t find anything remotely like this, turning that kind of betrayal into a political career.”
“Going Upriver” as a feature-length documentary directed by George Butler currently playing in theaters. It is scheduled to be released on DVD Oct. 19.
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