Why Christians don’t vote

By Jane Chastain

Much has been written about the “religion gap” in politics. Where you spend Sunday mornings offers a reliable clue as to how you will vote on Election Day. If you go to church you most likely will vote Republican. If you sleep in or go to the beach, you most likely will vote Democrat.

We’ve heard so much about the clout of the “religious right” – those who take a strong stand on the moral issues. However, the surprising fact is that only about one out of every four self-identified evangelicals, votes.

These are the people who say they have made a personal commitment to Jesus Christ and believe that the Bible is true. However, the Bible teaches the importance of personal responsibility and says you must be concerned for the welfare of your neighbor. In fact, Christians are commanded to be “salt and light in the world.” At the very least, in a free country, that should mean being a responsible, informed voter.

Facts are stubborn and often embarrassing things: According to the Pew Research Center, in 2000, 24 million of the nation’s 59 million evangelicals, who were qualified to vote, were not registered. Of the 35 million, who were registered, only 15 million actually cast their ballots. This is shameful!

One of the most common reasons people give me for not registering to vote is to avoid jury duty. Although most states use voter rolls to select juries, they use other methods as well. In many states, applying for a driver’s license is all it takes to get a jury summons.

If serving on a jury would present a “hardship” because, for example, you run a one-person business or you are the primary caregiver for a disabled person, you will be excused.

The avoidance of jury duty does not wash for a Christian who is commanded to “go the extra mile.” A Christian is supposed to do even more than is required.

Polls tell us that people of faith are more satisfied with their lives than the population as a whole. It is unfortunate but true: Complacency leads to apathy.

Also, people of faith have less discretionary time: They tend to marry, have children and are involved in their churches. I firmly believe one of the biggest reasons many Christians don’t vote is they are overwhelmed. The ballots get longer and longer every year. The voter information guides have reached telephone book proportions. The Christian intends to get through his, but when Election Day rolls around and he hasn’t, he stays home.

These are the major reasons but there are a few minor reasons as well.

  • Reluctance to fire anyone: The church is infected with “terminal niceness.” What did Jesus do with the money changers in the temple? He chased them out and called them “a brood of vipers.” That same term could be applied to most of our legislators today. They are stealing us blind!

  • What’s the point: “Neither candidate is worthy of my vote.” I hear that one a lot. There was only one perfect man and we crucified Him. If Jesus Christ were alive today and running for president, many churchgoers would find fault with him, too.

  • The Clean Plate Club: Just as he tends to clean up his plate – it won’t help the starving orphans in Africa, but he does it anyway – he wants to clean up his ballot. When he knows he can’t do that, he doesn’t vote at all.

Do you have to mark everything on the ballot to have it counted? No you do not! However, I have asked many smart people that question and most people simply are not sure.

Those who do go to the polls are really invested in the outcome of one or more offices and they want to make sure their ballots are counted. As they go down their ballots and encounter all those unfamiliar names, they usually just mark the box beside “incumbent.” That’s why so many Christians vote for bad legislators.

May I offer this advice to all the well-meaning Christians who are “at risk” of skipping this election: Go to the polls and vote, even if it is for only one office or one ballot measure and leave the rest of your ballot blank. Don’t beat yourself up! Instead, give yourself a pat on the back for each intelligent vote you were able to cast.

And, stop waiting for a perfect candidate. There are no perfect candidates. Get over it!

Jane Chastain

Jane Chastain is a Colorado-based writer and former broadcaster. Read more of Jane Chastain's articles here.