On April 14, 2004, President George W. Bush, standing alongside Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, announced a dramatic change in U.S. policy regarding the Middle East peace process. This is, perhaps, the most significant and prophetic change in Middle East policy since Harry S Truman signed the document on May 14, 1948, that recognized the rebirth of the state of Israel.
President Bush courageously set aside decades of liberal policies supported by six previous presidents, the State Department, the EU, the U.N. and the Arab League.
- President Bush stated that Israel would not have to return to pre-1967 borders. This is a prophetic and historical move.
- President Bush addressed the very heart of the Middle East crisis: the refugees. In my book “American Prophecies,” I stated that this dilemma had to be resolved in order for peace to come. Mr. Bush clearly stated that neither the Palestinians who lost land in 1948, nor their descendants, could return to Israel. They could, however, return to the Palestinian territories. Had they been allowed to return, Israel would have become another Lebanon. The president’s courage in reversing the “right of return” policy was a bold move and provides Israel with the assurance that terrorists in Lebanon would not be imported into major Israeli cities.
- President Bush recognized Israel’s right to retain some key West Bank settlements as part of any peace accord with the Palestinians.
- President Bush supported Israel’s right to fight terrorism.
There was no valid political reason or benefits for the president to make these decisions. In doing so:
- It all but guaranteed his loss of the Muslim vote in America (which is as large as the Jewish vote).
- The Jewish community in America traditionally votes for the Democratic ticket.
- Power brokers in the Middle East, with all their petrodollars, would be challenged to do everything in their power to keep President Bush from re-election – economically and politically. (I am convinced there was no political motivation in President Bush’s decision. His evangelical support base was behind him. I believe his decision was based upon his integrity, moral character and, above all, his faith.)
When President Bush was at a nadir in the polls, when he was being brutally attacked by the liberal media, the war in Iraq was at its lowest point, and when the 9-11 commission was attempting to undermine his integrity, with character and courage, he made a biblically based, moral decision to stand with the nation of Israel. I believe this decision by President George W. Bush was prophetic, and will echo throughout eternity.
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