Fanned into hysteria by the media, people across the country are clamoring for the flu vaccine. It’s not a pretty picture, and I’m speaking as someone who chooses not to get the vaccine.
Old folks stand in line for hours hoping for the shot. One woman, in line last Thursday for five and a half hours in 90-degree-plus heat and sun in Lafayette, Calif. – not far from San Francisco, where I am – collapsed, hit her head and died.
Marie Franklin, 79, was waiting with her husband when she became woozy. They sought shade, but she collapsed and fell. They were two of hundreds of elderly waiting outside a supermarket – only 500 shots were available.
In a town 10 miles away, two other elderly women, 76 and 83, wound up in the hospital after collapsing from the heat while standing outside a store waiting for their shots.
That’s smart. Health officials say the vaccine is reserved for the very young and the elderly because they’re fragile and at greatest risk. Then they require them to stand in line for hours in the hot sun to get the shot. I love government provided medical care!
There are reports that younger people who try to insinuate themselves into the “eligible” group of willing victims are either shamed into leaving or arrested if they get belligerent.
Doctors and nurses are threatened with arrest if they give shots to people not among the “favored” group – the very young and the very old. It’s called rationing, folks – government style … the steel fist in the velvet glove.
To listen to the rhetoric, if you don’t get the shot, you’ll die. Good grief! Doesn’t anyone remember they pulled the same scare tactics last year, even when we had enough vaccine? We were told it would be a terrible flu year and you’d best put out your arm.
Later we learned the truth. It turned out the vaccine didn’t match the variety of flu we had – which in fact, was mild and no big deal. So getting the shot was, in reality, useless.
Right! Scare the folks, get the vaccine used and get ready to do the same thing next year. They do it every year. It’s good for business.
Unfortunately, this kind of thing happens all too often: We’re warned about a danger that turns out not to be.
Or, we’re sold a bill of goods about a drug or treatment that turns out to either be useless or dangerous enough to kill us.
Think Vioxx, a highly-touted arthritis painkiller pulled from the market two weeks ago because it caused heart attacks, strokes and death. Oh.
Consider that this wasn’t done until four years after the company and the Food and Drug Administration knew these were real side effects.
Now we’re told Bextra also has the same “side-effects” and this raises questions about Celebrex, another in the same COX-2 category.
Consider the sales of just these three prescriptions was reported at more than $6 billion just for last year!
Think also, that just this past Friday, the FDA finally issued what they call a “black box warning” about anti-depressants being prescribed for children and teens. Seems that they lead to suicide and worse.
Consider: Prozac is the only anti-depressant authorized for use for children but that physicians prescribe a whole array of such drugs almost like candy to every age, including infants – and now, even to unruly household pets, like dogs who bark.
Consider: For years, there’ve been reports linking these drugs to suicide, violence and homicide – but throughout, the medical establishment and the media have bent over backward to ignore and demean the allegations.
Ann Blake Tracy, Ph.D. has written of the scope of the problem in her book “Prozac: Panacea or Pandora?” She tells me the problem is more widespread than you can imagine.
Prozac isn’t the only drug used for depression, anxiety and other so-called mood disorders. You’ve heard the names: Paxil, Zoloft, Xanex, Luvox, Wellbutrin, Elavil, Lithium and more. It’s a multi-billion dollar business.
Consider: There’ve been lawsuits concerning the link between these drugs and violence – for example, the wrongful death suit settled by the makers of Zoloft after the murder-suicide deaths of comedian Phil Hartman and his wife. Unfortunately, the media tend to bury the stories or ignore them.
Consider: That virtually all the cases of school violence involve young people who’d either been treated with these drugs or were still taking them. You’d be hard pressed to find a news report containing that information.
Consider: Media finesse words. News either says nothing – claiming medical or legal privacy – or simply report illegal drugs weren’t involved.
Technically accurate – they might have been clean of illegal drugs, but not free of legal ones.
A prescription is a legal drug. Anti-depressants and other mind-altering medicines are drugs as powerful, and sometimes more so, than illegal drugs and often are chemically similar.
The horror is that every one of us is, or can be, a victim of the ongoing cover-up of what’s being done to us in the name of doing things for us.
Thank you, Big Brother. I feel so much better.