Politics and government is a universe in and of itself. It expands, usually with imprudent omnipotence; contracts, albeit begrudgingly, not to mention very rarely; and there is a moon orbiting Ted Kennedy, most visible in the autumn night sky when you gaze low in the southeast toward Au Bar. This is a universe that is also governed mostly by attorneys, a breed of leader that, when told “the hour is upon us,” first makes sure that the hour is billable.
Speaking of attorneys, there are two doozies on the Dems’ ticket this year, culled from the immense sue-happy reef in the senatorial sea (including Kerry and Edwards’ mentor, head “Kleagle Eagle,” Robert Byrd). That being said, in the recent flap over the mention of Dick Cheney’s gay daughter, Kerry and Edwards are now doing what many lawyers of their caliber do best: being shameless weasels.
There is really no surprise in their invoking the sexual preference of a family member of an opposing candidate. This is unscrupulous, but we have no reason to expect them to break from their modus operandi. The big question is why the gay lobby isn’t defending one of their own and denouncing the exploitation of Mary Cheney.
Kerry and Edwards say they are all for gay rights – the right to not be used as an election-year dupe notwithstanding. Democrats are supposed to be the ones who embrace and accept those from all sexual orientations, aren’t they? They’re for gay marriages, tell their kids that it’s “perfectly normal” when they see two men kissing in the park, and, for all we know, even offered to introduce legislation to make David Geffen’s birthday a national holiday. If Democrats are the tolerant ones, then why is a right-wing conservative the one defending a gay woman from being used as a pawn by political hacks?
When the Cheney’s reacted with anger at having their daughter’s sexual preference brought into the debates by both Dem candidates, Elizabeth Edwards said that they were probably angry because they are “ashamed” of her. This is proof positive that these Democrats just don’t understand or comprehend the very idea of not using everything for political benefit.
I don’t know for sure, but Dick and Lynne Cheney probably don’t talk much about their daughter’s homosexuality in part at her behest, and in part because it’s nobody’s business. Political animals Kerry and Edwards cannot grasp the idea of not talking about loving their lesbian daughter in order to score points with the homosexual lobby, simply because that’s exactly what they would do. In the world of Kerry and Edwards, any failure to haul her around the country and pull her out of the suitcase of exploitation, whenever appropriate, can only be due to shame or bad political advice.
And just when you thought it couldn’t get any more disgusting.
Edwards recently pushed the envelope of shame further, saying that if Kerry and Edwards are elected, “people like Christopher Reeve will walk again.” The ignominy in what can now only be called Edwards’ “vermin on the mount” speech is staggering, not very surprising, and a truckload of tripe. Even if his statement were feasible, Edwards, who made his millions as a trial attorney, is going to help get rid of misery? This is as likely to happen as the CEO of McDonalds wanting to do away with hamburgers.
Edwards cares so much about people like Christopher Reeve? Picture the Democratic vice presidential nominee at the site of Reeve’s horse riding accident. Would the first thing Edwards did after the accident be to help the victim, or sue the pants off whoever made the fence post? I thought so.
Only one thing is for certain, things will get crazier in the coming days. Will Kerry and Edwards continue to mention Mary Cheney? Probably so. How they must wish they had a gay child during this election season – it’s such a great campaign accessory for any Democrat. Unfortunately for the Dems, the closest their campaign has to a lesbian is John Edwards himself, who could pass as Melissa Etheridge’s “arm candy” any day of the week.
The Cheneys are to be commended. How easy it would be for them to exploit their daughter for attempted political gain, appeasing the left while perhaps winning over some centrist voters. In addition, one can’t help but wonder where the gay lobby is in condemning the singling out of Mary Cheney and the avaricious use of her sexual orientation – but I guess that’s like expecting a policeman to write himself a speeding ticket.