Foreigners vote online for U.S. president

By WND Staff

From Afghanistan to Zimbabwe, non-Americans wishing to sound off on their choice for U.S. president can now do so, courtesy of a London-based website. is allowing residents of other countries to cast ballots in a non-binding opinion poll featuring seven presidential wannabes: George W. Bush, John Kerry, Michael Badnarik, Michael Peroutka, Walt Brown, David Cobb and Ralph Nader.

“Even if you are not a U.S. citizen, the Nov. 2 presidential election will have a huge impact on your life,” the site declares. “The very idea of democracy requires that you should have a say in choosing who determines your destiny. This site therefore allows non-Americans to vote in the 2004 U.S. presidential election.”

GlobalVote2004 says it’s politically neutral, not sponsored by any party, and participants are allowed to vote once, with choices kept secret.

“It’s fun and obviously not constitutionally approved, but it is a serious vote because the U.S. has power over all our lives and the election will affect the world,” Ben Carey, one of the site’s creators, told Reuters.

“The votes are coming in from everywhere, from places like Armenia, Turkmenistan and Venezuela, and if we have a sizable number we’ll release the results 48 hours before the real election.”