Farah hosts child-sass terminator

By WND Staff

Exasperated with your kids? Even a little bit? Then listen to “Joseph Farah’s WorldNetDaily RadioActive” today to get valuable tips on child training from author, pastor and child-expert Reb Bradley.

Author of the acclaimed “Child Training Tips: What I Wish I Knew When My Children Were Young ,” Bradley will be Farah’s guest in the second hour of his nationally syndicated radio program.

You can listen to “Joseph Farah’s WorldNetDaily RadioActive” live on more than 80 stations from coast to coast or listen on a live-stream signal on the Internet. The program is broadcast daily from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern. It also is available via the Sirius satellite radio network on the Sirius Patriot channel from 5 to 6 p.m. and 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. Eastern.

In his book, Bradley, a pastor who raised six kids of his own, presents practical advice for parents that relies on biblical wisdom as its basis.

“Multitudes of parents have written and told us of how their children changed when they began implementing the insights they gained [from the book],” Bradley writes in the book’s preface.

He especially focuses on those parents who are frustrated and exasperated with their kids.

“Parents who are exasperated with their children are missing the blessing that God says children are to bring to their lives. … If our children are not a blessing to us, it is not because an alien tampered with their genetic code as they grew in the womb. It is, most likely, because we have not succeeded in some element of their training.”

Among the obstacles Bradley covers are: parental defensiveness, confusing raising children with training them, misunderstanding human depravity and trust in worldly “experts.”

“For basic parenting principles … we must look primarily to God’s Word. To look elsewhere guarantees trouble,” Bradley writes.

Bradley warns against the “child-run” home, where decisions are made or influenced by the children. Some statements that might be overheard in such a home, Bradley says, are:

  • “I can’t make that for dinner at our house, the kids just won’t eat it.”

  • We can’t go there, the kids will be bored!”

  • “We could never take our children into the church service. They wouldn’t last.”

Writes Bradley: “Parents who say, ‘Junior just refuses to …’ or ‘My child just won’t put up with …’ have given up their authority and put their children in charge of their home. They have granted their children veto power and in doing so must follow their children’s leadership.”

To re-establish control of the home, he writes, parents must:

“1) Keep your objective in mind – subjection of their will, 2) Require quick obedience, and 3) Teach your children to obey without being told ‘why.'”

Bradley covers how to attain those goals and discusses the correct modes of discipline. He warns parents against using common incorrect methods of discipline, which he identifies as: repeating instructions and making threats, bribing for obedience, allowing excuses, tricking or manipulating, and distracting.

The book ends with “25 sure ways to exasperate your children.” Bradley covers common ways parents behave that contribute to their failure in child training.

Writes Bradley: “Most parents are afraid of exasperating their children by being too firm, but most children are exasperated by parents who are not firm consistently.”

Order Bradley’s “Child Training Tips” now. Plus, as a special added value, those who buy “Child Training Tips” from WorldNetDaily’s online store are eligible to receive three FREE issues of WND’s acclaimed monthly print magazine, Whistleblower – a $22.50 value as our gift. Watch for the FREE offer during checkout!