Democrats ‘hijacking’ WND poll?

By WND Staff

The results of today’s WorldNetDaily presidential poll have some readers crying foul, saying both the high number of voters and strong showing of John Kerry point to Democrat “hijacking” of the unscientific survey.

As of 2 p.m. Eastern today, over 11,000 people had voted in the poll – twice the attention an average poll receives for the entire day. Kerry was pulling just over 25 percent of the vote behind President Bush, who had 55 percent.

In WND’s most recent presidential poll, on Oct. 7, Bush won 81 percent of the vote, while Kerry claimed a mere 1.63 percent.

Strangely, in today’s poll Green Party candidate David Cobb was coming in third with 9 percent, beating Constitution Party candidate Michael Peroutka and Libertarian Michael Badnarik. WorldNetDaily readers who choose third-party candidates normally lean toward Peroutka and Badnarik, who garnered 7 and 5 percent, respectively, in the previous WND poll.

As WorldNetDaily reported, Democrats allegedly skewed several online polls the day after the vice presidential debate earlier this month.

“You have either been hacked or the DNC [Democratic National Committee] gremlins are at it big time,” one reader wrote to WorldNetDaily about the newssite’s poll, pointing out that 2,000 votes were added to three separate pro-Edwards responses “in the middle of the night.” WND’s poll Oct. 6 asked who won the vice presidential debate.

There were e-mail and website directives to Democrats after the debate to vote for John Edwards in online surveys. The information included links to several Internet polls.