“Unfit to Lead,” the new documentary produced by Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth is available to WND readers to watch online.
A DVD of the film is selling elsewhere for as much as $14.99. Unlike the DVD, this method provides you instant access to the film.
Those readers wishing to also purchase access to the videotape of the deposition of John Kerry’s Iranian-American fund-raiser, in which he repudiates the presidential candidate’s policy of accommodation toward Tehran, can see both tapes for just $9.95.
Note: The purchase system uses PayPal, but you don’t need to have a PayPal account to gain access to the video. After the purchase has gone through, click on “Access Content” to view the film. To watch it again, return to this page and click on purchase link again to log in (you will not be charged again).
WATCH: A day after another near-assassination, President Trump goes live on X Spaces
WND Staff