A 30-minute television special produced by the Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth that will be shown in key markets just before election day, is available exclusively to WorldNetDaily readers online for a limited time.
“Unfit to Lead” is hosted by swiftboat vet spokesman John O’Neill and includes some of the men whose testimonies about John Kerry were heard in the advertisements played in battleground states. The TV ads, which began running in August, gained national attention and were credited with eroding support for Kerry in the presidential race.
The special will air this weekend in 13 markets in eight battleground states, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
The documentary is based largely on the group’s New York Times No. 1 best seller “Unfit for Command,” which challenges John Kerry’s account of his war record and his anti-war activities.
In the special, one of Kerry’s former superior officers, Capt. George Elliott, says he believes Kerry should have been removed from command.
Elliott was commander of Coastal Division 11, where Kerry spent his four months of active duty in Vietnam.
“If I knew then what I know now, he would have been thrown out of my command and probably recommended for removal from the Navy,” Elliott says of Kerry.