Today’s Democratic Party has a lot in common with the way they describe America’s Iraqi war effort: “the coalition of the unwilling, the unwanted, the bribed and the coerced.”
In their effort to “turn America around” and get us “back on track,” Democrats have assembled a coalition of hate-the-government anarchists and big-government socialists; monopolist public school educrats; open-borders give-California-back-to-Mexico activists; anti-Jewish, pro-Arab Islamic terrorism apologists; partial-birth abortion no-child-left-alive extremists; pro-international law, constitutionally blind judges; journalistic fabricators; anti-intellectual, ban-the-conservatives academics; and rabid anti-family, hate-the-Christians, pro-homosexual bigots … all supported by the party’s tax-the-rich, give-me-a-subsidy, selfless Robin Hoods like John Kerry and his billionaire wife.
This coalition, Democrats assure us, has the right stuff to turn America around and get us going in the right direction. Yeah, sure. Communists – who believe in unlimited government – are the natural allies of anarchists – who believe in no government at all. Public school teachers unions, who hide behind the skirts of elementary school children while they demand bigger raises and smaller class sizes, badmouth school choice and spend big bucks to kill it wherever it comes up on state ballots. Would that be the same “choice” that lets schools preach unrestricted abortion – for the good of the children, of course?
Illegal immigrant enablers want drivers licenses, bank accounts, property ownership, public subsidies, voting rights and law enforcement amnesty for anyone who stumbles across our borders and thumbs their nose at our laws. Oh, and educate his kids for free, too, while you’re at it. Oh – oh, and raise taxes on the “rich” to pay for it, too. Oh – oh – oh, but not the super-rich who hide their wealth from the taxman under the hoop-skirts of private charities supporting politically correct causes … like John Kerry in the White House.
The Democrats have assembled a coalition of misfits and half-wits that have nowhere else to go. The left’s idea of unity seems to be, “I’ll legalize your perversion d’jour, if you legalize mine.” Then they legislate other people’s respect and accolades for it under the guise of “hate crimes.” Above all, don’t hold the protected class of practitioners responsible for the consequences of their choices and actions.
That’s why Americans must have “free” medical care and dumbed-down hospitals – so we can be as good as the other decaying socialist has-beens still left in the world, whose citizens flee to our hospitals rather than wait until their “next life” for a needed operation. By all means let’s let homosexual partners and promiscuous heterosexuals have unrestricted sexual partners, prohibit the health department from tracking down their partners, and send the bill for anti-AIDS drugs and sexually transmitted disease treatments to the declining number of actual American citizens still employed and paying taxes. Oh – and make sure they can’t buy private insurance and “opt-out” of this “worker’s paradise.” Everyone must be treated equally, you know.
Perhaps “free” is what really unites the left? So let’s see … public school teachers are going to work without pay educating my little Johnny so he can get into college and medical school, is that it? College professors are going to forgo their salaries, perks and teaching assistants so my little Jackie can afford a post-graduate education? The medical school won’t charge any tuition, of course, because the doctors who teach there don’t need to be paid. The hospital didn’t cost anything to build, because the contractors and workmen all did their job for free. And the pharmaceutical company only employs scientists who don’t want to be paid – its investors have said they won’t charge any interest and don’t need their money back, as long as all the drugs prescribed to patients are “free.”
The left’s prescription for America won’t turn the country around so much as it will leave us chasing our tails in a vicious circle as our nation goes down the drain.
Despite Kamala’s lies, the ‘are you better off’ question remains
Larry Elder