The group of former Navy servicemen challenging Sen. John Kerry’s version of his war record, Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth, has produced a series of mini-documentaries that follow up key charges made in the best seller “Unfit for Command.”
The five-to-10 minute shorts can be viewed on the group’s website ahead of the broadcast of a 30-minute television special just before Election Day.
The half-hour show, “Unfit to Lead,” is available exclusively to WorldNetDaily readers online for a limited time. It is hosted by swiftboat vet spokesman John O’Neill and includes many of the men whose testimonies about Kerry were heard in the advertisements played in battleground states.
The special will air this weekend in 13 markets in eight battleground states, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.
In each of the mini-documentaries, O’Neill speaks directly to Kerry, asking why he has been unable to explain serious discrepancies in his accounts of key events.
They include:
- “The Sampan Cover Up: An example of where we believe John Kerry simply filed a false action report to cover up his conduct.”
- “Christmas in Cambodia: John Kerry has repeatedly told of being in Cambodia on a secret mission, with it being seared in his memory. See what everyone else has to say.”
- “John Kerry’s First Purple Heart: How did John Kerry get his first purple heart when all three officers required to approve it rejected his application?
- “No Man Left Behind: You heard John Kerry tell America one story about his Vietnam service at the Democratic National Convention. Here’s the true story of John Kerry’s Bronze Star.”
In the “Sampan incident,” O’Neill shows how an account in one of Kerry’s own approved biographies completely contradicts the report he submitted to his superiors.
“Read one page out of this book and look at the reports Kerry submitted, and you know that you are dealing with a liar, a supreme hypocrite, a man who literally would kill by mistake a small child and then present it to the United States Navy as a great military victory,” O’Neill says.
Kerry’s after-action report said there were four or five Viet Cong fighters killed and two captured.
His gunner’s mate in the incident, Steve Gardner, admits he accidentally killed the child, but contends Kerry’s negligence put the boat in a position in which it became vulnerable to potential attack.
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WND Staff