They’re saying this is one of the most important elections in recent history. Indeed, a decision is to be made Tuesday that will result in a drastic change in the nation’s future. America’s choice? Pick between the visions of John Kerry and George W. Bush. To simply say this is a significant election – well, that’s an understatement.
A lot is riding on the presidency these days. A president has substantial power to alter our nation’s image and life for all. This election will radically affect the major issues we are debating as a nation: the legitimacy of abortion, the balance between civil liberties and security, the importance of fiscal responsibility, the endorsement of gay marriage, and on and on. As each day passes, our Supreme Court justices aren’t getting any younger – over the next four years, there’s a possibility of multiple appointments. We’re in the middle of World War III – things are going to get worse before they get any better in this effort to eradicate Muslim terrorists.
There are a myriad of choices for each individual American to make if they take voting seriously. For me, I’ve heaved much criticism of President Bush. He is no conservative, and he is at fault in decisions made about foreign policy and domestic issues. His administration has supported socialist programs at home, entanglements in foreign problems abroad and has forgotten conservative principles on many moral issues.
Yet, this question comes to me: Does he deserve abandonment? Yes, blind support of President Bush is wrong, but can criticism be coupled with support?
There are three main issues all Americans must worry about:
First, whether we like it or not, our nation is being ruled by tyrants on the bench. Judges, motivated by politics or misguided ideas about law, are deciding for us the issues of civil liberties, free speech, right to bear arms, abortion, marriage and more. The Pandora’s box has been opened, and all those who love freedom are forced to play this evil game that is ongoing in the courtrooms of our nation – judicial activism.
Second, we’re in the middle of a war. Having not been attacked at home since 2001, it’s easy to ignore the threat. Yet, to turn a blind eye to the reality of Muslim terrorists would be a fatal mistake. This is an evil that must be destroyed. This is an evil that has oppressed – these oppressed people must be freed. And really, that’s the choice: America and her allies must campaign for freedom in oppressed countries. Otherwise, this world will be oppressed.
Third, fiscally, our nation is in dire circumstances. With a debt reaching over $7 trillion, something must be done. The national deficit is skyrocketing due to the irresponsibility of politicians in the Capitol. Something must be done.
President Bush will appoint conservative judges. President Bush will fight terrorism and campaign for freedom. President Bush’s record on the fiscal end is pathetic. President Kerry will appoint liberal judges. President Kerry will not be a leader in warring against terrorists. President Kerry is a socialist – he will fair about the same on the fiscal end.
A third party is out of the question in this election cycle. Yes, I know everyone hates to hear that it’s a wasted vote. But, in the real world, nothing will change if you vote for Badnarik or Peroutka.
I hate to see conservatives blindly supporting President Bush. They fall in line with the whole joke about Kool-Aid. What we need is people who will honestly evaluate our president and realize he is the best man for the job as of now.
He’s no Ronald Reagan and he’s no constitutionalist. Yet, he has a belief and vision for America that is one of hope. John Kerry has no vision. If I could vote, I would cast mine if favor of George W. Bush for president.
Democrats are panicking over New York Times poll
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