I know what costume Osama bin Laden chose for Halloween this year. He went to the party as a cat. Domestic variety.
You gotta give the old guy credit – for this, at least. He knows cats and how they love to toy with mice. Tease them. Taunt them. Frighten them. Keep them on edge.
To the cat, it’s a game – a little fun, a big power trip and a tasty snack at the end of it.
To the mouse, it’s the edge between life and death – survival or the end.
It appears that OBL fancies himself the cat, because he’s playing that game with us. He thinks he and his terrorist minions have the upper hand against the West and the United States in particular, to say nothing of Israel.
How else to explain Friday’s tape from him? Somber and verbose, there he is, dressed in robes and turban, presenting an image he hopes is of imposing power. He’s “Mr. Intimidation.” He wants us to be very afraid of him and his terrorized followers.
It was no accident the videotape, via Al Jazeera television, appeared just three days before our presidential election. Perhaps OBL thinks we’ll read the message as being a redux of Spain. That terrorist attack is said to have changed the outcome of that election.
He has no respect for us – U.S. – and wants to rub our noses in the horror of 9-11. He says we asked for it because of our relations with other nations, because of our attitude to Arab states, because of the actions of both Presidents Bush.
He launched into a litany of accusations – greed, arrogance, friends in high places, stealing oil, oppression, killing children, the Patriot Act, Florida’s election fiasco – even President Bush reading to children on 9-11 and Bush the father “putting his sons as governors in states.” It sounds like a plagiarism of Michael Moore’s anti-Bush propaganda.
OBL and the terrorists want to influence our election. The implication is that a different leader and different policies would “relieve” the pressure on Muslims … what OBL interprets as a vindictive aggression would slow down if not cease entirely if we would just leave Islam alone.
Bin Laden, for the first time, declares he is responsible for the attacks on 9-11. He referred to the hijackers as “blessed” and as for Mohammad Atta – “god bless him.” He said this all came about because “the U.S. permitted the Israelis to invade Lebanon” in 1982. He was angry then and remains so.
He vented on 9-11, but declares there’s more of the same in store because we deserve it and because we threaten worldwide Muslim security. He refers to “our Muslim nation,” without specifying just what that means. In light of terrorism’s worldwide threat, this clearly reflects the scope of the enemy presence and confirms this is a religious war.
We can’t mince words: the enemy is Islamic terrorism and the intended victims – every single person in the world who does not believe as they do and who does not want to convert.
This tape is a slap at President Bush. He is a president who finds himself in the political race of his life with more riding on it than just winning another term. There is a critical balance of power at risk. If the resolve and determination against terrorism of President Bush is sidetracked by a Democrat win, the terrorists know they’ll gain ground.
It’s a pretty big order and the cat in the robes thinks he has us. Does he? I don’t think the game is quite what he thinks.
It’s not a cat and mouse game, with the cat calling the shots. It’s a rat and big cat (read lion) game. He’s the rat and the Lion is the King of the Beasts. President George Bush is the Lion; this country is the Lion; the West and our allies comprise the Lion.
We know what a rat is – the only good rat is a dead one. If we’re talking about terrorism, it must be stopped and the terrorists killed, from OBL on down. It’s not easy and it won’t be pretty, but the alternative is worse.
There are enough examples of worldwide Islamic terrorism, from 9-11 and the first attack on the World Trade Center to Bali, Spain, the embassies in Africa, the USS Cole, the Marine barracks and on and on. What more do we need to know?
Our media have been used for militant propaganda. OBL even referred to using Time magazine and CNN as conduits for “messages.” Are you surprised? Even as the campaign winds to its conclusion, mainstream media are in full attack against the administration.
You wonder whom they consider the enemy. You wonder what “freedoms” they envision under an Islamic mentality or under an administration that caters to it. You wonder whose side they’re on.
Both candidates are dealing gingerly with the implications of the tape, but to any thinking citizen, it should be clear. Islamic terrorism is a worldwide threat with the USA in their immediate sights. They believe if we’re destroyed or made toothless by an appeasing administration, they’ll have won and will continue their campaign of death against free people worldwide.
We’re at war for our survival. It makes no sense to change leaders now. That OBL’s video attack was against President Bush is the best reason to vote for him on Nov. 2.
Any other choice at this critical point in history is to surrender to the enemy. And the enemy is militant Islam. Surely you don’t want that.